This package contains base classes that are used to construct the models in IBPSA.BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.
Name | Description |
Check the validity of the black-body sky temperature data | |
Ensures that the ceiling height is above a lower bound | |
Ensure that the radiation is not smaller than 0 | |
Ensures that the interpolated pressure is between prescribed bounds | |
Ensure that the radiation is not smaller than 0 | |
Check the validity of relative humidity | |
Constrains the sky cover to [0, 1] | |
Check the validity of temperature data | |
Constrains the wind direction to [0, 2*pi] degree | |
Ensures that the wind speed is non-negative | |
Convert the unit of solar radiation received from the TMY3 data file | |
Convert the relative humidity from percentage to real | |
Converts the simulation time to calendar time in scale of 1 year (365 days) | |
Equation of time | |
Converts the clock time to local civil time. | |
Solar time | |
Gets the absolute path of a URI | |
Gets an element from the header of a TMY3 weather data file | |
Gets the latitude from a TMY3 weather data file | |
Gets the longitude from a TMY3 weather data file | |
Gets the time zone from a TMY3 weather data file | |
Collection of models that illustrate model use and test models |