

This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in IBPSA.Fluid.Sensors.


 DensityTest model for the density sensor
 EnthalpyFlowRateTest model for the enthalpy flow rate sensors
 EntropyFlowRateTest model for the entropy flow rate sensors
 MassFractionTest model for the mass fraction sensor
 MoistAirEnthalpyFlowRateTest model for the sensible and latent enthalpy flow rate sensors
 PPMTest model for the extra property sensor outputting PPM
 PressureTest model for the pressure sensor
 RelativeHumidityTest model for relative humidity sensor
 SpecificEnthalpyTest model for the enthalpy flow rate sensors
 SpecificEntropyTest model for the entropy flow rate sensors
 TemperatureDryBulbTest model for the dry bulb temperature sensor
 TemperatureWetBulbTest model for the wet bulb temperature sensor
 TraceSubstancesTest model for the extra property sensor
 VelocityTest model for the flow velocity sensor
 VolumeFlowRateTest model for the volume flow rate sensor

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