

This package provides models to compute the airflow and contaminant transport between different rooms and between a room and the exterior environment. See the User's Guide for more information.


 UsersGuideUser's Guide
 Coefficient_V_flowPower law with coefficient for volume flow rate
 Coefficient_m_flowPowerlaw with coefficient for mass flow rate
 DoorDiscretizedOpenDoor model using discretization along height coordinate
 DoorDiscretizedOperableDoor model using discretization along height coordinate
 DoorOpenDoor model for bi-directional air flow between rooms
 DoorOperableDoor model for bi-directional air flow between rooms that can be open or closed
 EffectiveAirLeakageAreaEffective air leakage area
 MediumColumnVertical shaft with no friction and no storage of heat and mass
 MediumColumnDynamicVertical shaft with no friction and storage of heat and mass
 Point_m_flowPowerlaw with flow coeffient fitted based on flow exponent and 1 datapoint
 Points_m_flowPowerlaw with flow coefficient and flow exponent fitted based on 2 datapoints
 Table_V_flowVolume flow(y-axis) vs Pressure(x-axis) cubic spline fit model based on table data, with last two points linearly interpolated
 Table_m_flowMass flow(y-axis) vs Pressure(x-axis) cubic spline fit model based from table data, with last two points linearly interpolated
 ZonalFlow_ACSZonal flow with input air change per second
 ZonalFlow_m_flowZonal flow with input air change per second
 TypesPackage with type definitions
 ExamplesCollection of models that illustrate model use and test models
 ValidationCollection of validation models
 BaseClassesPackage with base classes for IDEAS.Airflow.Multizone
 TrickleVentSelf regulating trickle vent

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