The Mean Radiant Temperature Network (MRTnet) approach from Carroll (1980) is used to compute the radiative heat transfer. This is a computationally efficient approach that does not require exact view factors to be known. Each surface exchanges heat with a fictive radiant surface, leading to a star resistance network.
Parameter simVieFac
may be set to false to simplify the
view factor calculation. This leads to a less accurate computation
of view factors, but this approach is more robust.
It may be used when the initial equation that computes the view factors does not converge.
Liesen, R. J., & Pedersen, C. O. (1997). An Evaluation of Inside Surface Heat Balance Models for Cooling Load Calculations. ASHRAE Transactions, 3(103), 485-502.
Carroll, J.A. 1980. An "MRT method" of computing radiant energy exchange in rooms. Proceedings of the 2nd Sys- tems Simulation and Economics Analysis Conference, January 23-25