This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in IDEAS.Fluid.FMI.ExportContainers.
Name | Description |
Fan | Declaration of an FMU that exports a fan |
FlowSplitter_u | Declaration of an FMU that exports a flow splitter |
HVACZone | Declaration of an FMU that exports a simple convective only HVAC system |
HVACZones | Declaration of an FMU that exports a simple convective only HVAC system for two zones |
HeaterCooler_u | Declaration of an FMU that exports an ideal heater or cooler with prescribed heat flow rate |
Heater_T | Declaration of an FMU that exports an ideal heater or cooler with prescribed outlet temperature |
Humidifier_u | Declaration of an FMU that exports an ideal humidifier |
IdealSource_m_flow | Declaration of an FMU that exports a mass flow source and sink |
MixingVolume | Declaration of an FMU that exports a control volume |
PressureDrop | Declaration of an FMU that exports a fixed resistance |
ResistanceVolume | Declaration of an FMU that exports a flow resistance and control volume |
ThermalZone | Declaration of an FMU that exports a thermal zone |
ThermalZones | Declaration of an FMU that exports multiple thermal zones |
TwoPortPassThrough | Declaration of an FMU that exports a block that simply passes all the inputs to the outputs |