This package contains examples for the use of models that can be found in IDEAS.Fluid.Sensors.
Name | Description |
Density | Test model for the density sensor |
EnthalpyFlowRate | Test model for the enthalpy flow rate sensors |
EntropyFlowRate | Test model for the entropy flow rate sensors |
MassFraction | Test model for the mass fraction sensor |
MoistAirEnthalpyFlowRate | Test model for the sensible and latent enthalpy flow rate sensors |
PPM | Test model for the extra property sensor outputting PPM |
Pressure | Test model for the pressure sensor |
RelativeHumidity | Test model for relative humidity sensor |
SpecificEnthalpy | Test model for the enthalpy flow rate sensors |
SpecificEntropy | Test model for the entropy flow rate sensors |
TemperatureDryBulb | Test model for the dry bulb temperature sensor |
TemperatureWetBulb | Test model for the wet bulb temperature sensor |
TraceSubstances | Test model for the extra property sensor |
Velocity | Test model for the flow velocity sensor |
VolumeFlowRate | Test model for the volume flow rate sensor |