This model describes boundary conditions for
pressure, enthalpy, and species concentration that can be obtained
from weather data. The model is identical to
except that it adds the wind pressure to the
pressure at the fluid port ports
The correlation that is used to compute the wind pressure is based
on Swami and Chandra (1987) and valid for low-rise buildings
with rectangular shape.
The same correlation is also implemented in CONTAM (Persily and Ivy, 2001).
The wind pressure coefficient is computed based on the side ratio of the walls, which is defined as
s = x ⁄ y
where x is the length of the wall that will be connected to
this model, and y is the length of the adjacent wall.
The wind direction is computed relative to the azimuth of this surface,
which is equal to the parameter azi
The surface azimuth is defined in
For example, if an exterior wall is South oriented, i.e., its outside-facing
surface is towards South, use
Based on the surface azimuth, the wind direction and the side ratio
of the walls, the model computes how much the wind pressure
is attenuated compared to the reference wind pressure Cp0
The reference wind pressure Cp0
is a user-defined parameter,
and must be equal to the wind pressure at zero wind incidence angle.
Swami and Chandra (1987) recommend Cp0 = 0.6 for
all low-rise buildings as this represents the average of
various values reported in the literature.
The computation of the actual wind pressure coefficient Cp
is explained in the function
that is called by this model.
The pressure p at the port ports
is computed as
p = pw + Cp 1 ⁄ 2 v2 ρ,
where pw is the atmospheric pressure from the weather bus, v is the wind speed from the weather bus, and ρ is the fluid density.
This model differs from IDEAS.Fluid.Sources.Outside_CpData by the calculation of the wind pressure coefficient Cp,act. The wind pressure coefficient is defined by an equation in stead of a user-defined table. This model is only suited for low-rise rectangular buildings.
and quantity