


Model of a generic function of n real numbers.
The output ( y ) is the result of the generic function f(.) of the inputs ( u(:) ) signals.

    y = f(u[:])

Fixed Point numbers

When using fixed point real numbers, Nbit is the number of bits that can be represented. The range is

  Xfp in [-2Nbit - 1 + 1  ,...,  2Nbit - 1]
Then it is possible to define a scaleFactor
  X = Xfp/scaleFactor
When the Fixed Point representation is selected (through the selection of the boolean flag FixedPoint), each input number u is converted into an integer Ufp
  Ufp = u*scaleFactor
then the result of the math operation Yfp is computed and converted into the output value y. The output conversion depends on the math operation performed.


To note that the Fixed Point numbers have a maximum and minimum value. In order to avoid saturation when performing the computations, the number of bit as well the scale factor have to be choosen carefully.


 fgeneric real function
 gOutput re-scaling function


Industrial Control Systems (v 1.0.0) : April-May 2012
List of revisions:

Main Authors:
Marco Bonvini; <bonvini@elet.polimi.it>
Alberto Leva <leva@elet.polimi.it>
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio 34/5
20133 Milano - ITALIA -
Copyright © 2010-2012, Marco Bonvini and Alberto Leva.
The IndustrialControlSystems package is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license.

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