Name | Description |
boolAnd | Logically combine two Booleans with 'and' operator |
boolOr | Logically combine two Booleans with 'or' operator |
boolNot | Logically invert Boolean value using 'not' operator |
boolEq | Compares two Booleans |
boolString | Returns "true" or "false" string |
intAdd | Adds two Integer values |
intSub | Subtracts two Integer values |
intMul | Multiplies two Integer values |
intDiv | Divides two Integer values |
intMod | Calculates remainder of Integer division i1/i2 |
intMax | Returns the bigger one of two Integer values |
intMin | Returns the smaller one of two Integer values |
intAbs | Returns the absolute value of Integer i |
intNeg | Returns negative value of Integer i |
intLt | Returns whether Integer i1 is smaller than Integer i2 |
intLe | Returns whether Integer i1 is smaller than or equal to Integer i2 |
intEq | Returns whether Integer i1 is equal to Integer i2 |
intNe | Returns whether Integer i1 is not equal to Integer i2 |
intGe | Returns whether Integer i1 is greater than or equal to Integer i2 |
intGt | Returns whether Integer i1 is greater than Integer i2 |
intBitNot | Returns bitwise inverted Integer number of i |
intBitAnd | Returns bitwise 'and' of Integers i1 and i2 |
intBitOr | Returns bitwise 'or' of Integers i1 and i2 |
intBitXor | Returns bitwise 'xor' of Integers i1 and i2 |
intBitLShift | Returns bitwise left shift of Integer i by s bits |
intBitRShift | Returns bitwise right shift of Integer i by s bits |
intReal | Converts Integer to Real |
intString | Converts Integer to String |
realAdd | |
realSub | |
realMul | |
realDiv | |
realMod | |
realPow | |
realMax | |
realMin | |
realAbs | |
realAlmostEq | |
realNeg | |
realLt | |
realLe | |
realEq | |
realNe | |
realGe | |
realGt | |
realInt | |
realString | |
stringCharInt | |
intStringChar | |
stringInt | |
stringReal | This function fails unless the whole string can be consumed by strtod without
setting errno. For more details, see man 3 strtod |
stringListStringChar | O(str) |
stringAppendList | O(str) |
stringDelimitList | O(str)
Takes a list of strings and a string delimiter and appends all
list elements with the string delimiter inserted between elements.
Example: stringDelimitList({"x","y","z"}, ", ") => "x, y, z" |
stringLength | O(1) |
stringEmpty | O(1) |
stringGet | O(1) |
stringGetStringChar | O(1) |
stringUpdateStringChar | O(n) |
stringAppend | O(s1+s2) |
stringEq | |
stringEqual | |
stringCompare | |
stringHash | |
stringHashDjb2 | |
stringHashDjb2Continue | Continues computing a hash by adding another string to it. |
stringHashDjb2Mod | Does hashing+modulo without intermediate results. |
stringHashSdbm | |
substring | Fails for bogus start/stop |
listAppend | O(length(lst1)), O(1) if either list is empty |
listReverse | O(n) |
listLength | O(n) |
listMember | O(n) |
listGet | O(index) |
listRest | O(1) |
listHead | O(1) |
listDelete | O(index) |
listEmpty | O(1) |
cons | O(1) |
arrayLength | O(1) |
arrayEmpty | O(1) |
arrayGet | O(1) |
arrayCreate | O(size) |
arrayList | O(n) |
listArray | O(n) |
arrayUpdate | O(1) |
arrayCopy | O(n) |
arrayAppend | Appends arr2 to arr1. O(length(arr1) + length(arr2)).
Note that this operation is *not* destructive, i.e. a new array is created. |
anyString | Returns the string representation of any value.
Rather slow; only use this for debugging! |
printAny | print(anyString(a)), but to stderr |
debug_print | For RML compatibility |
tick | |
equality | |
setGlobalRoot | Sets the index of the root variable with index 9..1023, or thread-local root variable with index 0..8.
This is a global mutable value and should be used sparingly.
You are recommended not to use 0 or false since the runtime system may treat these values as uninitialized and fail getGlobalRoot later on.
valueConstructor | The return-value is compiler-dependent on the runtime implementation of
boxed values. The number of bits reserved for the constructor is generally
between 6 and 8 bits. |
valueSlots | The number of slots a boxed value has. This is dependent on sizeof(void*)
on the architecture in question. |
valueEq | Structural equality |
valueCompare | a1 > a2? |
valueHashMod | |
referenceEq | This is a very fast comparison of two values which only checks if the pointers are equal. |
referencePointerString | Returns the pointer address of a reference as a hexadecimal string that can
be used for debugging. |
clock | Use the diff to compare two time samples to each other. Not very accurate. |
isNone | Returns true if the input is NONE() |
isSome | Returns true if the input is SOME() |
NONE | |
SOME | |
listStringCharString | |
stringCharListString | |
fail | |
setStackOverflowSignal | Sets the stack overflow signal to the given value and returns the old one |
referenceDebugString | |
isPresent | |
MetaModelica | |
SourceInfo | The Info attribute provides location information for elements and classes. |
sourceInfo | |