

This package contains basic mathematical operations on Boolean signals.

The new features are:


MultiSwitchSet Boolean expression that is associated with the first active input signal
AndLogical 'and': y = u[1] and u[2] and ... and u[nu]
OrLogical 'or': y = u[1] or u[2] or ... or u[nu]
XorLogical 'xor': y = oneTrue(u) (y is true, if exactly one element of u is true, otherwise it is false)
NandLogical 'nand': y = not ( u[1] and u[2] and ... and u[nu] )
NorLogical 'nor': y = not ( u[1] or u[2] or ... or u[nu] )
NotLogical 'not': y = not u
RisingEdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has a rising edge, otherwise it is false (y = edge(u))
FallingEdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has a falling edge, otherwise it is false (y = edge(not u))
ChangingEdgeOutput y is true, if the input u has either a rising or a falling edge and otherwise it is false (y=change(u))
OnDelayDelay a rising edge of the input, but do not delay a falling edge.

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