The PMOS model is a simple model of a p-channel metal-oxide semiconductor FET. It differs slightly from the device used in the SPICE simulator. For more details please care for [Spiro1990].
A heating port is added for thermal electric simulation. The heating port is defined in the Modelica.Thermal library.
The model does not consider capacitances. A high drain-source resistance RDS is included to avoid numerical difficulties.
References: [Spiro1990]
Some typical parameter sets are:
W L Beta Vt K2 K5 dW dL m m A/V^2 V - - m m 50.e-6 8.e-6 0.0085e-3 -0.15 0.41 0.839 -3.8e-6 -4.0e-6 20.e-6 6.e-6 0.0105e-3 -1.0 0.41 0.839 -2.5e-6 -2.1e-6 30.e-6 5.e-6 0.0059e-3 -0.3 0.98 1.01 0 -3.9e-6 30.e-6 5.e-6 0.0152e-3 -0.69 0.104 1.1 -0.8e-6 -0.4e-6 30.e-6 5.e-6 0.0163e-3 -0.69 0.104 1.1 -0.8e-6 -0.4e-6 30.e-6 5.e-6 0.0182e-3 -0.69 0.086 1.06 -0.1e-6 -0.6e-6 20.e-6 6.e-6 0.0074e-3 -1. 0.4 0.59 0 0