

This package contains potential, voltage, and current sensors. The sensors can be used to convert voltages or currents into real signal values o be connected to components of the Blocks package. The sensors are designed in such a way that they do not influence the electrical behavior.


 PotentialSensorSensor to measure the potential
 VoltageSensorSensor to measure the voltage between two pins
 CurrentSensorSensor to measure the current in a branch
 PowerSensorSensor to measure the power
 MultiSensorSensor to measure current, voltage and power


Main Authors:
Christoph Clauß <christoph@clauss-it.com>
André Schneider <Andre.Schneider@eas.iis.fraunhofer.de>
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
Design Automation Department
Zeunerstraße 38
D-01069 Dresden

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