From the temperature coefficient alpha20
at 20 degC (equals to 293.15 K) the parameter alphaRef
at TRef
alpha20 alphaRef = ------------------------------- 1 + alpha20 * (TRef - 293.15)
is determined; using this value, actual resistance R
with respect to the actual temperature T
is calculated by
R ------ = 1 + alphaRef * (T - TRef) RRef
where RRef
is the resistance at the reference temperature TRef
function convertResistance extends Modelica.Icons.Function; input SI.Resistance RRef "Resistance at TRef"; input SI.Temperature TRef "Reference temperature"; input SI.LinearTemperatureCoefficient alpha20 "Temperature coefficient at 20 degC"; input SI.Temperature T "Actual temperature"; output SI.Resistance R "Actual resistance at T"; end convertResistance;