

Calculation of mean convective heat transfer coefficient kc of a straight pipe for a hydrodynamically developed turbulent fluid flow at uniform wall temperature or uniform heat flux with neglecting or considering of pressure loss influence. Note that additionally a failure status is observed in this function to check if the intended boundary conditions are fulfilled. See more information .


function kc_turbulent
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.StraightPipe.kc_turbulent_IN_con IN_con "Input record for function kc_turbulent" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Constant inputs"));
  input Modelica.Fluid.Dissipation.HeatTransfer.StraightPipe.kc_turbulent_IN_var IN_var "Input record for function kc_turbulent" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Variable inputs"));
  output SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer kc "Convective heat transfer coefficient" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Output"));
  output SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandtl number" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Output"));
  output SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Output"));
  output SI.NusseltNumber Nu "Nusselt number" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Output"));
  output Real failureStatus "0== boundary conditions fulfilled | 1== failure >> check if still meaningful results" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Output"));
end kc_turbulent;


2016-04-11 Stefan Wischhusen: Removed singularity for Re at zero mass flow rate.

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