

Library content

This library provides functions operating on matrices. Below, the functions are ordered according to categories and a typical call of the respective function is shown. Most functions are solely an interface to the external LAPACK library.

Note: A' is a short hand notation of transpose(A):

Basic Information

Linear Equations

Matrix Factorizations

Matrix Properties

Matrix Exponentials

Matrix Equations

Matrix Manipulation

See also



 ExamplesExamples demonstrating the usage of the Math.Matrices functions
 toStringConvert a matrix into its string representation
 isEqualCompare whether two Real matrices are identical
 solveSolve real system of linear equations A*x=b with a b vector (Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting)
 solve2Solve real system of linear equations A*X=B with a B matrix (Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting)
 leastSquaresSolve linear equation A*x = b (exactly if possible, or otherwise in a least square sense; A may be non-square and may be rank deficient)
 leastSquares2Solve linear equation A*X = B (exactly if possible, or otherwise in a least square sense; A may be non-square and may be rank deficient)
 equalityLeastSquaresSolve a linear equality constrained least squares problem
 LULU decomposition of square or rectangular matrix
 LU_solveSolve real system of linear equations P*L*U*x=b with a b vector and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))
 LU_solve2Solve real system of linear equations P*L*U*X=B with a B matrix and an LU decomposition (from LU(..))
 eigenValuesReturn eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real, nonsymmetric matrix in a Real representation
 eigenValueMatrixReturn real valued block diagonal matrix J of eigenvalues of matrix A (A=V*J*Vinv)
 singularValuesReturn singular values and left and right singular vectors
 QRReturn the QR decomposition of a square matrix with optional column pivoting (A(:,p) = Q*R)
 hessenbergReturn upper Hessenberg form of a matrix
 realSchurReturn the real Schur form (rsf) S of a square matrix A, A=QZ*S*QZ'
 choleskyReturn the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric positive definite matrix
 balanceReturn a balanced form of matrix A to improve the condition of A
 balanceABCReturn a balanced form of a system [A,B;C,0] to improve its condition by a state transformation
 traceReturn the trace of matrix A, i.e., the sum of the diagonal elements
 detReturn determinant of a matrix (computed by LU decomposition; try to avoid det(..))
 invReturn inverse of a matrix (try to avoid inv(..))
 rankReturn rank of a rectangular matrix (computed with singular values)
 conditionNumberReturn the condition number norm(A)*norm(inv(A)) of a matrix A
 rcondReturn the reciprocal condition number of a matrix
 normReturn the p-norm of a matrix
 frobeniusNormReturn the Frobenius norm of a matrix
 nullSpaceReturn the orthonormal nullspace of a matrix
 expReturn the exponential of a matrix by adaptive Taylor series expansion with scaling and balancing
 integralExpReturn the exponential and the integral of the exponential of a matrix
 integralExpTReturn the exponential, the integral of the exponential, and time-weighted integral of the exponential of a matrix
 continuousLyapunovReturn solution X of the continuous-time Lyapunov equation X*A + A'*X = C
 continuousSylvesterReturn solution X of the continuous-time Sylvester equation A*X + X*B = C
 continuousRiccatiReturn solution X of the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation A'*X + X*A - X*B*inv(R)*B'*X + Q = 0 (care)
 discreteLyapunovReturn solution X of the discrete-time Lyapunov equation A'*X*A + sgn*X = C
 discreteSylvesterReturn solution of the discrete-time Sylvester equation A*X*B + sgn*X = C
 discreteRiccatiReturn solution of discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation A'*X*A - X - A'*X*B*inv(R + B'*X*B)*B'*X*A + Q = 0 (dare)
 sortSort the rows or columns of a matrix in ascending or descending order
 flipLeftRightFlip the columns of a matrix in left/right direction
 flipUpDownFlip the rows of a matrix in up/down direction
 LAPACKInterface to LAPACK library (should usually not directly be used but only indirectly via Modelica.Math.Matrices)
 UtilitiesUtility functions that should not be directly utilized by the user

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