Vectors.toString(v); Vectors.toString(v,name="",significantDigits=6);
The function call "Vectors.toString(v)
" returns the string representation of vector v.
With the optional arguments "name" and "significantDigits" a name and the number of the digits are defined.
The default values of "name" and "significantDigits" are "" and 6 respectively. If name=="" (empty string) then the prefix "<name> =" is left out at the output-string.
v = {2.12, -4.34, -2.56, -1.67}; toString(v); // = " // 2.12 // -4.34 // -2.56 // -1.67" toString(v,"vv",1); // = "vv = // 2 // -4 // -3 // -2"
function toString extends Modelica.Icons.Function; import Modelica.Utilities.Strings; input Real v[:] "Real vector"; input String name = "" "Independent variable name used for printing"; input Integer significantDigits = 6 "Number of significant digits that are shown"; output String s = ""; end toString;