Polynomial.plot( p, nPoints, autoLabel, xLabel, yLabel, autoRange, x_min, x_max);
Plot the given polynomial. If default arguments are used, as in:
import Modelica_LinearSystems2.Math.Polynomial; p = Polynomial({1,2,3}); Polynomial.plot(p);
then the abszissa range is determined in such a way that all
roots (i.e., p(x) = 0) and all
extrema (i.e, dp(x) = ∂p/∂x = 0)
are in the plotted range. As default legend, the String representation
of the polynomial is used as generated by operator-'String'
function (called by String(p)
encapsulated function plot import Modelica; import DymolaCommands.Plot; import Modelica_LinearSystems2.Math.Polynomial; import Modelica.Utilities.Strings; import Complex; input Polynomial p "Polynomial to be plotted"; input Integer nPoints(min = 2) = 200 "Number of points"; input Boolean autoLabel = true "True, if automatically selected labels"; input String xLabel = "" "Abszissa description, if autoLabel = false"; input String yLabel = "" "Ordinate description, if autoLabel = false"; input Boolean autoRange = true "True, if abszissa range is automatically determined"; input Real x_min = -1.0 "Minimum abszissa value, if autoRange = false"; input Real x_max = 1.0 "Maximum abszissa value, if autoRange = false"; end plot;