function rootLocusOfModel
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
import Simulator = DymolaCommands.SimulatorAPI;
import Modelica_LinearSystems2.Utilities.Types.Grid;
input String modelName "Name of the Modelica model" annotation(
input Modelica_LinearSystems2.Records.ParameterVariation modelParam[:] "Model parameter to be varied (exactly one) and values for other parameters";
input Modelica_LinearSystems2.Records.SimulationOptionsForLinearization simulationSetup = Modelica_LinearSystems2.Records.SimulationOptionsForLinearization() "Simulation options";
input Boolean reorder = false "True, if eigen values shall be reordered so that they are closest to the previous ones";
output Real Re[:, :] "Re[nx,np] Real values of eigenvalues Re[j,i], where i are the different parameter values and j the eigenvalue numbers";
output Real Im[:, :] "Im[nx,np] Imaginary values of eigenvalues Im[j,i], where i are the different parameter values and j the eigenvalue numbers";
output Real s[:] "s[np] The different parameter values s[i] associated with Re[i,j] and Im[i,j]";
output String paramName "Name of the parameter that was varied";
output String paramUnit "Unit of parameter paramName";
end rootLocusOfModel;