function printViolationsToOutput
import Modelica.Utilities.Streams.*;
import Modelica.Utilities.Strings.*;
import Modelica_Requirements.Internal.*;
input String logFile "Name of log file where the data is present";
input String htmlFile "Name of html file where log shall be written in a nicely formatted form";
input String rootName "Name of root model (used to print heading)";
input Real ok "Only provided to guarantee that printViolationsToOutput is called after logFile was generated";
input Real satisfaction "Satisfaction of all requirements in % (0% ... 100%)";
input Modelica.SIunits.Time satisfactionTime "Input satisfaction is with respect to satisfactionTime";
input Boolean printViolated = true "= true, if violated requirements shall be printed";
input Boolean printUntested = true "= true, if untested requirements shall be printed";
input Boolean printSatisfied = true "= true, if satisfied requirements shall be printed";
end printViolationsToOutput;