The cut-force and cut-torque acting at the component to which frame_b is connected are determined and provided at the output signal connector load:
load[1:3] = frame_a.f; load[4:6] = frame_a.t;
If parameter positiveSign = false, the negative cut-force and negative cut-torque is provided (= frame_b.f and frame_b.t). If frame_resolve is connected to another frame, then the cut-force and cut-torque are resolved in frame_resolve. If frame_resolve is not connected then the coordinate system in which the cut-force and cut-torque is resolved is defined by parameter resolveInFrame_a. If this parameter is true, then the cut-force and cut-torque is resolved in frame_a, otherwise it is resolved in the world frame.
In the following figure the animation of a CutForceAndTorque sensor is shown. The dark blue coordinate system is frame_b, and the green arrows are the cut force and the cut torque, respectively, acting at frame_b and with negative sign at frame_a.