This function calculates impedance matrices of a hybrid positive-sequece/three-phase transformer modeled as a pi-equivalent.
The transformer that uses this function should have its primary and secondary windings connected in grounded-wye (grounded-star). In addition, this function considers that positive-, negative-, and zero-sequence Norton equivalent impedances have finite values.
function Yg_Yg_FinImp extends Modelica.Icons.Function; import OpenIPSL.Electrical.ThreePhase.Branches.MonoTri.MonoTriFcn.Inverse; import OpenIPSL.Electrical.ThreePhase.Branches.MonoTri.MonoTriFcn.PositiveFilter; import OpenIPSL.Electrical.ThreePhase.Branches.MonoTri.MonoTriFcn.NegZerFilter; input Real X; input Real R; input Real tap; input Real[1, 18] Y012; output Real[1, 32] Y; end Yg_Yg_FinImp;