partial function basePlotFunction input String fileName = "<default>" "The filename containing the variables. <default> will read the last simulation result"; input String interpolation = "linear" " Determines if the simulation data should be interpolated to allow drawing of continuous lines in the diagram. \"linear\" results in linear interpolation between data points, \"constant\" keeps the value of the last known data point until a new one is found and \"none\" results in a diagram where only known data points are plotted."; input String title = "Plot by OpenModelica" "This text will be used as the diagram title."; input Boolean legend = true "Determines whether or not the variable legend is shown."; input Boolean grid = true "Determines whether or not a grid is shown in the diagram."; input Boolean logX = false "Determines whether or not the horizontal axis is logarithmically scaled."; input Boolean logY = false "Determines whether or not the vertical axis is logarithmically scaled."; input String xLabel = "time" "This text will be used as the horizontal label in the diagram."; input String yLabel = "" "This text will be used as the vertical label in the diagram."; input Boolean points = false "Determines whether or not the data points should be indicated by a dot in the diagram."; input Real xRange[2] = {0.0, 0.0} "Determines the horizontal interval that is visible in the diagram. {0,0} will select a suitable range."; input Real yRange[2] = {0.0, 0.0} "Determines the vertical interval that is visible in the diagram. {0,0} will select a suitable range."; output Boolean success "Returns true on success"; end basePlotFunction;