

Calculation of fluid properties for the mixture common molten salt (60% NaNO3 and 40% KNO3) in the fluid region of 573.15 to 873.15 Kelvin.The use of this molten salt is usally used in solar thermal system due to its high thermal capacity and the high range of temperature.

This package of thermodynamic properties is explicit for pressure and specific enthalpy, however it is based in functions where the dependency is exclusively in the temperature.


The functions provided by this package shall be used inside of the restricted limits according to the referenced literature.


Zavoico, A. B. (2001). Solar Power Tower - Design Basis Document. Technical Report SAND2001-2100. Alburquerque, USA. Retrieved from http://prod.sandia.gov/techlib/access-control.cgi/2001/012100.pdf

Ferri, R., Cammi, A., & Mazzei, D. (2008). Molten salt mixture properties in RELAP5 code for thermodynamic solar applications. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 47(12), 1676–1687. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2008.01.007


 ThermodynamicStateA selection of variables that uniquely defines the thermodynamic state
 BasePropertiesBase properties of medium
 setState_pTXReturn thermodynamic state from p, T, and X or Xi
 setState_phXReturn thermodynamic state from p, h, and X or Xi
 setState_psXReturn thermodynamic state from p, s, and X or Xi
 setState_dTXReturn thermodynamic state from d, T, and X or Xi
 pressureReturn pressure
 temperatureReturn temperature
 specificEnthalpyReturn specific enthalpy
 densityReturn density
 specificInternalEnergyReturn specific internal energy
 dynamicViscosityReturn dynamic viscosity
 thermalConductivityReturn thermal conductivity
 specificEntropyReturn specific entropy
 specificGibbsEnergyReturn specific Gibbs energy
 specificHelmholtzEnergyReturn specific Helmholtz energy
 specificHeatCapacityCpReturn specific heat capacity at constant pressure
 specificHeatCapacityCvReturn specific heat capacity at constant volume
 isentropicExponentReturn isentropic exponent
 isentropicEnthalpyReturn isentropic enthalpy
 velocityOfSoundReturn velocity of sound
 isobaricExpansionCoefficientReturn overall the isobaric expansion coefficient beta
 isothermalCompressibilityReturn overall the isothermal compressibility factor
 density_derT_pReturn density derivative w.r.t. temperature at constant pressure

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