

function Dp_losses
  import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
  import CN = Modelica.Constants;
  import MA = Modelica.Math;
  import SolarTherm.{Models,Media};
  replaceable package Medium1 = Media.Sodium.Sodium_pT "Medium props for Sodium";
  replaceable package Medium2 = Media.ChlorideSalt.ChlorideSalt_pT "Medium props for Molten Salt";
  input SI.Length d_o "Outer Tube diameter";
  input Integer N_p "Number of passes";
  input Integer N_sp "Number of shell-passes";
  input Integer layout "Tube layout";
  input Integer N_t "Number of tubes";
  input SI.Length L "Tube length";
  input Medium1.ThermodynamicState state_mean_Na;
  input Medium2.ThermodynamicState state_mean_MS;
  input Medium2.ThermodynamicState state_wall_MS;
  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_Na "Sodium mass flow rate";
  input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_MS "Molten-Salt mass flow rate";
  input SI.Length l_b "Baffle spacing";
  input Integer N "Number of baffles";
  output SI.Pressure Dp_tube(min = 0) "Tube-side pressure drop";
  output SI.Pressure Dp_shell(min = 0) "Shell-side pressure drop";
  output SI.Velocity v_Na(min = 0) "Sodium velocity in tubes";
  output SI.Velocity v_max_MS(min = 0) "Molten Salt velocity in shell";
end Dp_losses;


 Medium1Medium props for Sodium
 Medium2Medium props for Molten Salt

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