

Gas Names

The following ideal Gases are usable in the given temperature range.

Substance nameUsable temperature range in °CDescription
TILMedia.Ash [-173.1, 9726.8]
TILMedia.DieselExhaustGas_1.5 [-20, 1050] Substance name must end with _lambdavalue e.g. _1.2
TILMedia.DryAir [-60, 200]
TILMedia.ExhaustGas_Lambda_1 [-20, 1050] Intended for gasoline/petrol exhaust gas with lambda value equal one
TILMedia.Obsolete_DryAir [-60, 200] Obsolete variant of the TILMedia.DryAir model. The specific enthalpy equation was derived with single precision, the specific entropy equation is wrong.
TILMedia.SimpleDryAir [-272.2, 3726.8] Constant/linear model (cp = 1003.7 J/kg)
TILMedia.SimpleWater [-73.1, 426.8] Constant/linear model (cp = 1920 J/kg)
TILMedia.SimpleWater2 [-272.2, 3726.8] Constant/linear model (cp = 1863 J/kg)
TILMediaXTR.Ammonia [-232.6, 2726.8] Ammonia
TILMediaXTR.Argon [-258.1, 2726.8] Argon
TILMediaXTR.Carbon_Dioxide [-132.1, 2726.8] Carbon dioxide
TILMediaXTR.Carbon_Monoxide [-259.9, 2726.8] Carbon monoxide
TILMediaXTR.DryAir [-259.9, 2726.8] Dry air
TILMediaXTR.ExhaustGas Default configuration for diesel exhaust gas with lambda=1. For petrol exhaust gas use TILMediaXTR.ExhaustGas(m=15.63,lambda=1.1).
TILMediaXTR.Hydrogen [-269.8, 2726.8] Hydrogen
TILMediaXTR.Methane [-254.1, 2726.8] Methane
TILMediaXTR.Nitrogen [-260.5, 2726.8] Nitrogen
TILMediaXTR.Nitrous_Oxide [-242.2, 2726.8] Nitrous oxide
TILMediaXTR.Oxygen [-257.7, 2726.8] Oxygen
TILMediaXTR.Sulfur_Dioxide [-230.1, 2726.8] Sulfur dioxide
TILMediaXTR.Water [-208.4, 2726.8] Water
VDI4670.ARGON [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.CARBON_DIOXIDE [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.CARBON_MONOXIDE [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.DRYAIR [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.NEON [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.NITROGEN [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.OXYGEN [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.SULPHUR_DIOXIDE [-73.1, 2726.8]
VDI4670.WATER [-73.1, 2726.8]

Moist Air Names

Substance name Description
TILMedia.MoistAir Moist air: water-dry-air-mixture (water is the first component)
VDI4670.MoistAir Moist air: water-dry-air-mixture (water is the first component)
TILMediaXTR.MoistAir Moist air with extended temperature range: 64.7 - 3000 Kelvin. Thermophysical properties may differ to models with smaller range.
VDIWA2006.Water|VDIWA2006.DryAir VDIWA2006.Water does not support freezing.

Liquid Names

The following incompressible Liquids / secondary working fluids (SWF) are usually based on data sheets or software programms by manufacturer or publications.
In the below table the available Liquid names are listed plus information about the valid/usable temperature range and accuracy.

Substance nameTemperature range of the original data in °CUsable temperature range in °CDescription
TILMedia.AddinolXW15 [-20, 300] [-33.1, 326.8] Addinol heat transfer oil XW 15
TILMedia.Antifrogen_Sol_HT [-23, 200] [-33, 200.4] Antifrogen Sol HT, Antifrogen® SOL HT is a physiologically harmless, yellowish, clear liquid based on an aqueous solution of higher boiling glycols, which is used as a heat transfer medium in solar heating systems, also those exposed to high thermal loads. Produced by Clariant. (R²_cp=1.0000000, R²_rho=1.0000000, R²_eta=1.0000000, R²_lambda=0.9999405)
TILMedia.Baysilone_KT_10 [-60, 240] [-60.4, 240.4] Baysilone KT 10, Low-viscosity silicone heat transfer fluid. Produced by Bayer. (R²_cp=0.9999724, R²_rho=0.9999708, R²_eta=0.9999565, R²_lambda=0.9997356)
TILMedia.Baysilone_KT_20 [-60, 240] [-64.2, 240.4] Baysilone KT 20, Low-viscosity silicone heat transfer fluid. Produced by Bayer. (R²_cp=0.9999833, R²_rho=0.9999857, R²_eta=0.9999922, R²_lambda=0.9998325)
TILMedia.Baysilone_KT_3 [-60, 240] [-60.4, 240.4] Baysilone KT 3, Low-viscosity silicone heat transfer fluid. Produced by Bayer. (R²_cp=0.9970532, R²_rho=0.9999504, R²_eta=0.9999942, R²_lambda=0.9998028)
TILMedia.Baysilone_KT_5 [-60, 240] [-61, 240.4] Baysilone KT 5, Low-viscosity silicone heat transfer fluid. Produced by Bayer. (R²_cp=0.9999645, R²_rho=0.9999700, R²_eta=0.9999698, R²_lambda=0.9998604)
TILMedia.Dowtherm_A [15.6, 415.6] [13.1, 428.1] Dowtherm A, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dow. (R²_cp=0.9998969, R²_rho=0.9999998, R²_eta=0.9999959, R²_lambda=0.9999986)
TILMedia.Dynalene_600 [70, 287.8] [68, 297.8] Dynalene 600, high temperature silicone heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999787, R²_rho=0.9999796, R²_eta=0.9999950, R²_lambda=0.9999852)
TILMedia.Dynalene_FC-Bio [-34.4, 115.6] [-36.4, 125.6] Dynalene FC-Bio, low electrical conductivity, water-based fuel cell coolant with nano particles. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9995178, R²_rho=0.9999993, R²_eta=0.9999999, R²_lambda=0.9969481)
TILMedia.Dynalene_FC-EG [-28.9, 115.6] [-30.9, 125.6] Dynalene FC-EG, low electrical conductivity, water-based fuel cell coolant with nano particles. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9987529, R²_rho=0.9999947, R²_eta=0.9999975, R²_lambda=0.9988012)
TILMedia.Dynalene_HC-FG10 [-10, 218.3] [-12, 228.3] Dynalene HC-FG10, low temperature, high-performance heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999619, R²_rho=0.9997986, R²_eta=0.9999310, R²_lambda=0.9999625)
TILMedia.Dynalene_HC-FG20 [-20, 218.3] [-22.5, 230.8] Dynalene HC-FG20, low temperature, high-performance heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999556, R²_rho=0.9998634, R²_eta=0.9999424, R²_lambda=0.9999669)
TILMedia.Dynalene_HC-FG30 [-30, 218.3] [-32, 228.3] Dynalene HC-FG30, low temperature, high-performance heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999551, R²_rho=0.9998802, R²_eta=0.9999487, R²_lambda=0.9999674)
TILMedia.Dynalene_HC-FG40 [-40, 218.3] [-42, 228.3] Dynalene HC-FG40, low temperature, high-performance heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999875, R²_rho=0.9999031, R²_eta=0.9999736, R²_lambda=0.9999633)
TILMedia.Dynalene_HC-FG50 [-50, 218.3] [-52, 228.3] Dynalene HC-FG50, low temperature, high-performance heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999417, R²_rho=0.9999068, R²_eta=0.9999625, R²_lambda=0.9997939)
TILMedia.Dynalene_HF-LO [-73.3, 176.7] [-75.3, 186.7] Dynalene HF-LO, high flash, non-toxic, low temperature heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999849, R²_rho=0.9999391, R²_eta=0.9999988, R²_lambda=0.9999959)
TILMedia.Dynalene_HT [20, 350] [18, 360] Dynalene HT, high temperature heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999910, R²_rho=0.9999572, R²_eta=0.9999981, R²_lambda=0.9999861)
TILMedia.Dynalene_LO-170 [-40, 193.3] [-42, 203.3] Dynalene LO-170, non-toxic, low odor, low temperature heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999796, R²_rho=0.9998397, R²_eta=0.9999872, R²_lambda=0.9999961)
TILMedia.Dynalene_LO-230 [0, 204.4] [-2, 214.4] Dynalene LO-230, high flash, non-toxic, low temperature heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999914, R²_rho=0.9998942, R²_eta=0.9998954, R²_lambda=0.9999869)
TILMedia.Dynalene_MT [0, 325] [-2, 335] Dynalene MT, high temperature heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999732, R²_rho=0.9999997, R²_eta=0.9997275, R²_lambda=0.9999671)
TILMedia.Dynalene_MV [-112.2, 162.8] [-114.2, 172.8] Dynalene MV, ultra-low temperature heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999836, R²_rho=0.9999557, R²_eta=1.0000000, R²_lambda=0.9994927)
TILMedia.Dynalene_SF [0, 315.6] [-2.5, 328.1] Dynalene SF, high temperature heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9999876, R²_rho=0.9999480, R²_eta=0.9999870, R²_lambda=0.9999699)
TILMedia.Dynalene_Solar_Glycol-XT [-23.3, 104.4] [-25.3, 114.4] Dynalene Solar Glycol-XT, BioGlycol heat transfer fluid. Produced by Dynalene. (R²_cp=0.9971698, R²_rho=0.9999974, R²_eta=0.9999959, R²_lambda=0.9979960)
TILMedia.Fragoltherm_FG-35 [-10, 340] [-12.5, 352.5] Fragoltherm FG-35, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Fragol. (R²_cp=0.9999295, R²_rho=0.9999869, R²_eta=0.9999313, R²_lambda=0.9993092)
TILMedia.Fragoltherm_FG-8 [-45, 280] [-48.3, 296.7] Fragoltherm FG-8, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Fragol. (R²_cp=0.9999993, R²_rho=0.9999697, R²_eta=1.0000000, R²_lambda=0.9994924)
TILMedia.Fragoltherm_Q-7 [-45, 280] [-48.3, 296.7] Fragoltherm Q-7, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Fragol. (R²_cp=0.9999993, R²_rho=0.9999697, R²_eta=1.0000000, R²_lambda=0.9994924)
TILMedia.Fragoltherm_S-250 [5, 270] [3, 280] Fragoltherm S-250, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Fragol. (R²_cp=0.9999888, R²_rho=0.9999800, R²_eta=1.0000000, R²_lambda=0.9943906)
TILMedia.Fragoltherm_X-TT [-110, 230] [-112, 240] Fragoltherm X-TT, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Fragol. (R²_cp=1.0000000, R²_rho=0.9999999, R²_eta=0.9999961, R²_lambda=0.9999037)
TILMedia.Fragol_Purity_FG-HTF [-10, 340] [-12, 350] Fragol Purity FG-HTF, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Fragol. (R²_cp=0.9999324, R²_rho=0.9999802, R²_eta=0.9999986, R²_lambda=0.9975104)
TILMedia.Freezium_-60C [-55, -10] [-57, 0] Freezium -60C, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9963447, R²_rho=1.0000000, R²_eta=0.9999909, R²_lambda=0.9696930)
TILMedia.Marlotherm_LH [-30, 360] [-32, 370] Marlotherm LH, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999376, R²_rho=0.9999826, R²_eta=0.9999879, R²_lambda=0.9995025)
TILMedia.Marlotherm_SH [0, 360] [-2, 370] Marlotherm SH, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999482, R²_rho=0.9999860, R²_eta=0.9999998, R²_lambda=0.9999965)
TILMedia.Marlotherm_XC [-90, 300] [-92.5, 312.5] Marlotherm XC, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9998873, R²_rho=0.9999962, R²_eta=0.9999982, R²_lambda=0.9997738)
TILMedia.Novec7500 [-70, 130] [-70, 130] The 3M Novec 7500 High-Tech Engineered Fluid
TILMedia.Obsolete_Therminol59 [-50, 320] [-73.1, 476.8] Therminol 59 by Fragol
TILMedia.Obsolete_Therminol66 [0, 380] [-13.1, 476.8] Therminol 66 by Fragol
TILMedia.Obsolete_Therminol72 [-10, 380] [-73.1, 476.8] Therminol 72 by Fragol
TILMedia.Obsolete_TherminolD12 [-85, 260] [-123.1, 476.8] Therminol D12 by Fragol
TILMedia.Oil_15W40 [-20, 160] [-123.1, 326.8] Oil 15W40
TILMedia.Oil_Aral0W30 [-20, 160] [-73.1, 276.8] Oil Aral 0W30
TILMedia.SHC_XMP320 [0, 200] [-73.1, 476.8] Mobilgear SHC XMP 320
TILMedia.SHC_XMP320_B [0, 150] [-73.1, 476.8] Mobilgear SHC XMP 320
TILMedia.Therminol_54 [-28, 310] [-30.5, 322.5] Therminol 54, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999415, R²_rho=0.9999808, R²_eta=0.9999435, R²_lambda=0.9994501)
TILMedia.Therminol_55 [-28, 320] [-30.5, 332.5] Therminol 55, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999461, R²_rho=0.9999823, R²_eta=0.9999435, R²_lambda=0.9999904)
TILMedia.Therminol_59 [-49, 330] [-51, 340] Therminol 59, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999349, R²_rho=0.9999811, R²_eta=0.9999949, R²_lambda=0.9999942)
TILMedia.Therminol_62 [-23, 340] [-25, 350] Therminol 62, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9998650, R²_rho=0.9999882, R²_eta=0.9999962, R²_lambda=0.9999857)
TILMedia.Therminol_66 [-3, 370] [-5, 380] Therminol 66, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999431, R²_rho=0.9999808, R²_eta=0.9999967, R²_lambda=0.9999621)
TILMedia.Therminol_68 [-20, 360] [-22, 370] Therminol 68, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999994, R²_rho=0.9999738, R²_eta=0.9999999, R²_lambda=0.9990540)
TILMedia.Therminol_72 [-14, 380] [-2.5, 392.5] Therminol 72, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999992, R²_rho=0.9999920, R²_eta=0.9999801, R²_lambda=0.9996138)
TILMedia.Therminol_75 [71, 385] [69, 395] Therminol 75, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9998922, R²_rho=0.9995534, R²_eta=0.9999983, R²_lambda=0.9999842)
TILMedia.Therminol_ADX-10 [-56, 290] [-58.5, 302.5] Therminol ADX-10, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999351, R²_rho=0.9999864, R²_eta=0.9999915, R²_lambda=0.9999962)
TILMedia.Therminol_D-12 [-94, 250] [-96.5, 262.5] Therminol D-12, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999339, R²_rho=0.9999656, R²_eta=1.0000000, R²_lambda=0.9999975)
TILMedia.Therminol_LT [-73, 315] [-75, 325] Therminol LT, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999110, R²_rho=0.9999860, R²_eta=0.9999525, R²_lambda=0.9999979)
TILMedia.Therminol_SP [-28, 320] [-30.5, 332.5] Therminol SP, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999461, R²_rho=0.9999823, R²_eta=0.9999435, R²_lambda=0.9999904)
TILMedia.Therminol_VLT [-135, 180] [-137, 190] Therminol VLT, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999335, R²_rho=0.9999817, R²_eta=0.9999999, R²_lambda=0.9999968)
TILMedia.Therminol_VP-1 [12, 420] [10, 430] Therminol VP-1, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999153, R²_rho=0.9999877, R²_eta=0.9999991, R²_lambda=0.9999980)
TILMedia.Therminol_XP [-20, 330] [-22, 340] Therminol XP, heat transfer fluid. Produced by Eastman. (R²_cp=0.9999581, R²_rho=0.9999822, R²_eta=1.0000000, R²_lambda=0.9999918)
TILMedia.Tyfocor30 [-15, 100] [-43.1, 156.9] Tyfocor 30 %vol by Tyforop Chemie
TILMedia.Tyfocor45 [-30, 100] [-43.1, 156.9] Tyfocor 45 %vol by Tyforop Chemie
TILMedia.TyfocorL33 [-15, 100] [-43.1, 156.9] Tyfocor 33 %vol by Tyforop Chemie
TILMedia.Tyfocor_LS [-20, 120] [-20.4, 131.9] Tyfocor LS, TYFOCOR LS is a liquid based on an aqueous solution of physiologically unobjectionable propylene glycol with a faint odour. The fluid was developed especially for use in solar thermal systems with high thermal loads (vacuum tube collectors). Produced by Tyforop Chemie GmbH. (R²_cp=0.9998790, R²_rho=0.9998353, R²_eta=0.9998728, R²_lambda=0.9999006)
TILMedia.Water [0, 185] [-23.1, 276.8] Water
TILMedia.ZitrecM10 [-10, 100] [-23.1, 126.9] Zitrec M-10 by Fragol
TILMedia.ZitrecM20 [-20, 100] [-33.1, 126.9] Zitrec M-20 by Fragol
TILMediaXTR.Ammonia [-77.6, 91.3] [-232.6, 131.7] Ammonia
TILMediaXTR.Argon [-189.3, -139.2] [-258.1, -122.3] Argon
TILMediaXTR.Carbon_Dioxide [-56.5, -0.6] [-242.7, 30.9] Carbon dioxide
TILMediaXTR.Carbon_Monoxide [-204.5, -153.6] [-259.9, -140.3] Carbon monoxide
TILMediaXTR.DryAir [-213.4, -154.7] [-259.9, -140.4] Dry air
TILMediaXTR.Hydrogen [-259.2, -243.4] [-269.8, -240.2] Hydrogen
TILMediaXTR.Methane [-182.5, -91.2] [-254.1, -88.1] Methane
TILMediaXTR.Nitrogen [-209.7, -160.5] [-260.5, -147] Nitrogen
TILMediaXTR.Nitrous_Oxide [-90.8, 4.7] [-242.2, 36.4] Nitrous oxide
TILMediaXTR.Oxygen [-218.2, -136.2] [-257.7, -118.6] Oxygen
TILMediaXTR.Sulfur_Dioxide [-75.4, 114.3] [-230.1, 157.2] Sulfur dioxide
TILMediaXTR.Water [1, 304.3] [-208.4, 373.9] Water
IIR_SWF.3M_Novec_HFE7100 [-80, 100] Hydrofluoroether - HFE-7100 3M Novec
IIR_SWF.Baysilone_KT3 [-80, 100] Polydimethylsiloxan 1 - Baysilone KT3
IIR_SWF.Dowtherm_J [-80, 100] Diethylbenzene mixture - Dowtherm J
IIR_SWF.Dynalene_MV [-80, 100] Hydrocarbon blend - Dynalene MV
IIR_SWF.d_Limonene [-80, 100] Citrus oil terpene - d-Limonene
IIR_SWF.Gilotherm_D12 [-80, 100] Hydrocarbon mixture - Gilotherm D12
IIR_SWF.Marlotherm_X [-80, 100] Synthetic alkyl benzene - Marlotherm X
IIR_SWF.Syltherm_XLT [-80, 100] Polydimethylsiloxan 2 - Syltherm XLT
BranansRulesOfThumb.CALFLO_AF [-99.9, 708.3] 99.9% pure base oils, crystal-clear, free of aromatic compounds with additives.
BranansRulesOfThumb.CALFLO_HTF [-109.7, 691.1] 99.9% pure base oils, crystal-clear, free of aromatic compounds with additives.
BranansRulesOfThumb.CALFLO_LT [-121.6, 629.6] Synthetic poly-alpha-olefins.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Chemtherm_550 [-85, 665] Premium oil more thermally stable than mineral oils.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Chemtherm_650 [-123.1, 493.1] Premium high temperature oil resists oxidation.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Chemtherm_700 [-104.6, 641.9] Premium high temperature single compound formulation.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Diphyl [-123.1, 445.4] High-temperature HTF based on diphenyl oxide/diphenyl eutectic for liq and vap phase.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Diphyl_DT [-112.7, 472.7] Isomeric ditolyl ethers with broad spectrum of applications in liq phase.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Diphyl_KT [-123.1, 498.9] Synthetic mixture of isomeric bynzyl toluenes with high thermal stability.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Diphyl_THT [-63.1, 620] Partially hydrogenated terphenyls for pressureless high temperature applications.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_A [-123.1, 443.7] Biphenyl and diphenyl oxide eutectic mixture – liquid phase properties.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_G [-123.1, 557] Di- and tri-aryl compounds mixture.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_J [-123.1, 313.2] Mixture of isomers of an alkylated aromatic.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_MX [-123.1, 594.7] Mixture of alkylated aromatics.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_Q [-123.1, 416.9] Mixture of diphenylethane and alkylated aromatics.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_RP [-123.1, 516.6] Synthetic diaryl alkyl liquid.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_T [-123.1, 314.9] Mixture of C14–C30 alkyl benzenes.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_450 [-121.1, 645.1] Refined oil, non-aromatic.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_600 [-103.2, 642.4] Refined and hydrotreated paraffinic oils, non-toxic and non-reportable.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_630 [-111.7, 646.4] Refined and hydrotreated paraffinic oils, non-toxic and non-reportable.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_FG [-111.7, 646.4] Refined paraffinic oils with additives, food grade.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_G [-104, 567.4] Polyalkylene glycol based fluid with additives.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_Lite [-103.2, 642.4] Same as Duratherm 600, but with fewer additives.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_LT [-120, 604.4] Refined oil, non-aromatic.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_S [-123.1, 338.1] Refined oil, non-aromatic especially resistant to oxidation.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_XLT_120 [-123.1, 680] Refined silocone oil, for cryogenic applications, food & pharma.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DURATHERM_XLT_50 [-123.1, 440] Refined silocone oil, for cryogenic applications, food & pharma.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_600 [-123.1, 442.8] Silicone-based product with enhanced resistance to oxidation.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HC_10 [-123.1, 726.8] Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HC_20 [-123.1, 726.8] Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HC_30 [-114.3, 726.8] Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HC_40 [-123.1, 726.8] Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HC_50 [-123.1, 726.8] Aqueous-based, engineered for low temperature applications.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HF [-123.1, 313.8] Biodegradable aliphatic hydrocarbon blend, food grade.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HF_LO [-123.1, 282.5] Aliphatic hydrocarbon blend, non-toxic, odorless.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_HT [-123.1, 504.2] Synthetic organic hydrocarbon.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_LO_170 [-123.1, 292.5] Aliphatic hydrocarbon blend.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_LO_230 [-123.1, 377.5] Aliphatic hydrocarbon blend.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_MV [-123.1, 290.3] Biodegradable hydrocarbon blend.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_SF [-123.1, 661.3] Synthetic alkylated aromatics.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Marlotherm_FP [-123.1, 655.9] Isoparaffinic chemical structure, clear liquid, bland odor.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Marlotherm_LH [-123.1, 581.6] Synthetic, organic, heat transfer medium.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Marlotherm_N [-123.1, 662.6] Synthetic, organic, heat transfer medium, ideal 150 to 300 deg C range.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Marlotherm_SH [-123.1, 508] Synthetic, organic, heat transfer medium.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_503 [-123.1, 616.4] Paraffinic hydrocarbon.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_IG_1 [-97.7, 700] White mineral oil.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_IG_4 [-109.5, 617.9] White mineral oil.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_OG_1 [-99.2, 700] Hydrocracked mineral oil with oxidation inhibitor/stabilizer.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_PG_1 [-105.1, 670] White mineral oil, food grade.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_ULT_170 [-123.1, 345] Hydrocarbon blend.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_WB14 [-123.1, 726.8] Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_WB_22 [-80.9, 726.8] Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_WB_40 [-105.4, 726.8] Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_WB_5 [-80.5, 726.8] Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance.
BranansRulesOfThumb.MultiTherm_WB_58 [-123.1, 726.8] Water based, no flash point, for low temperature performance.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_CR [-123.1, 420.7] Synthetic hydrocarbon blend.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_GLT [-123.1, 470.6] Alkylated aromatic for closed loop liquid phase heating.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_HE [-116, 670] Hydrotreated heavy paraffinic distillate – mineral oil.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_HR [-123.1, 610] Alkylated aromatic, for closed loop heating.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_LR [-123.1, 527] Paraffinic hydrocarbon, for closed loop heating and cooling.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_MG [-123.1, 675] Linear alkene, food grade.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_MR [-108.4, 552.1] Linear alkene, fully saturated.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Paratherm_NF [-123.1, 530] Hydrotreated mineral oil, food grade.
BranansRulesOfThumb.PURITY_FG [-109.5, 638.3] Pure base oil, food grade, with additives.
BranansRulesOfThumb.SYLTHERM_800 [-123.1, 369.3] Silicone fluid – dimethyl polysiloxane.
BranansRulesOfThumb.SYLTHERM_HF [-123.1, 225.8] Silicone fluid – dimethyl polysiloxane.
BranansRulesOfThumb.SYLTHERM_XLT [-123.1, 243.3] Silicone fluid – dimethyl polysiloxane.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_55 [-111.4, 561.7] Alkyl aromatic derivatives.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_59 [-123.1, 606.5] Mixture of diphenyl alkanes.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_62 [-123.1, 625] Mixture of di- and tri-isopropyl biphenyl.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_66 [-83.3, 600] Hydrogenated terphenyl and polyphenyls.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_72 [-123.1, 584.8] Mixture of diphenyl ether, terphenyl, biphenyl, and phenanthrene.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_75 [-123.1, 692.4] Mixture of terphenyl, quaterphenyl, and phenanthrene.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_D_12 [-123.1, 332] Hydrotreated heavy naphtha (petroleum).
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_LT [-123.1, 321.1] Diethyl benzene.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_VLT [-123.1, 251.8] Mixture of methyl cyclohexane and trimethyl pentane.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_VP_1 [-123.1, 463.1] Mixture of diphenyl ether and biphenyl.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_VP_3 [-123.1, 448.4] Mixture of cyclohexylbenzene and bicyclohexyl.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Therminol_XP [-109.1, 590] White mineral oil.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Water [-123.1, 726.8] City water.
BranansRulesOfThumb.XCELTHERM_445FP [-101, 670] Hydroprocessed naphthenic mineral oil; high flash point.
BranansRulesOfThumb.XCELTHERM_500 [-123.1, 657.2] Hydrogenated polyalpha olefin.
BranansRulesOfThumb.XCELTHERM_600 [-123.1, 690] Hydroprocessed paraffinic white mineral oil.
BranansRulesOfThumb.XCELTHERM_HT [-101.4, 595] Synthetic alkyl aromatic.
BranansRulesOfThumb.XCELTHERM_LV1 [-123.1, 463.5] Diphenyl ethane and diphenyl oxide mixture.
BranansRulesOfThumb.XCELTHERM_MK1 [-123.1, 449.7] Diphenyl oxide and diphenyl.
BranansRulesOfThumb.XCELTHERM_XT [-123.1, 444.2] Synthetic alkyl aromatic.
Baack2020.Antifrogen_N_40_degr [-20, 100] [-40, 120]
Baack2020.Antifrogen_Sol_HT [-20, 100] [-40, 120]
Baack2020.Antifrogen_Sol_HT_degr [-20, 100] [-40, 120]
Baack2020.Tyfocor_LS [-20, 100] [-40, 120]
Baack2020.Tyfocor_LS_degr [-20, 100] [-40, 120]
Baack2020.Tyfocor_L_40_degr [-20, 100] [-40, 120]

Liquid Mixtures Names

For Liquid mixture the mass or volume fraction can be set via underline behind the medium name.
E.g. Glysantin_33 (or 33wt) corresponds 33 weight/mass % glycol (0.33 kg/kg). Glysantin_44vol corresponds 44 volume % (0.44 m³/m³).
The Liquid mixture names plus permitted inputs (weight kg/kg or volume m³/m³) and valid range are given in the below table.
If no composition range values are listed for kg/kg (weight/mass) or m³/m³ (volume), this input is not supported.
Internal conversion between weight and volume fraction are based on manufacturer data at one temperature (usually: 20 °C).

Substance nameTemperature range of the original data in °CUsable temperature range in °CComposition range in kg/kgComposition range in m³/m³Description
TILMedia.Antifrogen_GEO [-21, 40] [-22.8, 55.8] [0.25, 0.4] Antifrogen GEO, Antifrogen GEO is the specific solution to the requirements of heat transfer fluids in shallow geothermal energy.
TILMedia.Antifrogen_KF [-54, 30] [-59.6, 41.9] [0.5, 1] Antifrogen KF, Antifrogen KF is a non-toxic clear liquid, based on an aqueous formate solution which is used as a low-temperature brine down to -50 °C in industrial and food refrigeration systems.
TILMedia.Antifrogen_N [-53, 150] [-55.4, 178.1] [0.2, 0.6] Antifrogen N, Antifrogen® N is a liquid, tinted pale yellow, for use as a heat transfer medium in closed hot water heating systems, heat pumps and as cooling brine in industrial refrigeration equipment.
TILMedia.Dynalene_Calcium_Chloride [-40, 37.8] [-41, 39] [0.15, 0.32] Dynalene Calcium Chloride, calcium chloride-based heat transfer fluid.
TILMedia.Dynalene_EG [-34.4, 104.4] [-34.9, 104.8] [0.22, 0.628] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene EG, ethylene glycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Dynalene_EG-V1 [-34.4, 104.4] [-34.9, 104.8] [0.208, 0.612] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene EG-V1, ethylene glycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Dynalene_LC-Bio [-23.3, 104.4] [-23.8, 104.8] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene LC-Bio, low electrical conductivity, corn-derived BioGlycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Dynalene_LC-EG [-34.4, 104.4] [-34.9, 104.8] [0.22, 0.628] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene LC-EG, low electrical conductivity, ethylene glycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Dynalene_LC-PG [-28.9, 104.4] [-29.3, 104.8] [0.208, 0.612] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene LC-PG, low electrical conductivity, propylene glycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Dynalene_PG [-34.4, 104.4] [-34.9, 104.8] [0.208, 0.612] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene PG, propylene glycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Dynalene_PG-V1 [-28.9, 104.4] [-29.3, 104.8] [0.208, 0.612] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene PG-V1, propylene glycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Dynalene_TEG [0, 200] [-10, 201.6] [0.22, 0.628] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene TEG, triethylene glycol coolant.
TILMedia.Glysantin [-46, 120] [-56, 131.9] [0, 0.81169] [0, 0.8] Glysantin, ethylene glycol/water-based coolant.
TILMedia.Obsolete_Glysantin [-40, 120] [-40, 120] [0.3, 0.6] [0.27877, 0.57909] BASF Glysantin G 48
TILMedia.PropyleneGlycol [-50, 100] [0.3, 0.6] [0.28836, 0.57672] Propylene glycol
TILMedia.Tyfocor [-40, 120] [-40.4, 122.8] [0.2, 0.57] Tyfocor, TYFOCOR is a clear, colourless, and virtually odourless liquid based on ethylene glycol. The product is used as antifreeze/corrosion protection fluid and heat transfer medium for heating, air conditioning and cooling circuits, as well as brine for heat pump systems.
TILMedia.Tyfocor_L [-40, 120] [-40.4, 135.8] [0.25, 0.6] Tyfocor L, TYFOCOR L is a virtually odourless, hygroscopic liquid. It is based on toxicologically unobjectionable propylene glycol. TYFOCOR L thus can be used as a coolant or heat transfer fluid in food processing and water purification applications.
TILMedia.Tyfoxit [-55, 40] [-55.4, 90] [0.6, 0.96] Tyfoxit, A potassium acetate based, high-performance secondary coolant applicable for all indirect refrigeration systems.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWCAL_10DOWTHERM_10 [-123.1, 726.8] [0.3, 0.5] DOWCAL™ 10/DOWTHERM™ 10, Ethylene glycol with inhibitor package.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWCAL_20DOWFROST_20 [-78.5, 702.4] [0.3, 0.5] DOWCAL™ 20/DOWFROST™ 20, Propylene glycol with inhibitor package.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWCAL_NDOWFROST [-91, 726.8] [0.3, 0.5] DOWCAL™ N/DOWFROST™, Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, food grade.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWFROST [-104.1, 726.8] [0.3, 0.5] DOWFROST™, Propylene glycol with inhibitor package.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWFROST_HD [-104.1, 726.8] [0.3, 0.5] DOWFROST™ HD, Propylene glycol with inhibitor package, dyed bright yellow.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_4000 [-123.1, 726.8] [0.3, 0.5] DOWTHERM™ 4000, Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent orange.
BranansRulesOfThumb.DOWTHERM_SR_1 [-123.1, 726.8] [0.3, 0.5] DOWTHERM™ SR-1, Ethylene glycol with inhibitors, dyed fluorescent pink.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_EG [-123.1, 726.8] [0.2, 0.6] Dynalene® EG, Inhibited ethylene glycol.
BranansRulesOfThumb.Dynalene_PG [-123.1, 726.8] [0.2, 0.8] Dynalene® PG, Propylene glycol with corrosion inhibitors.
Baack2020.Antifrogen_N [-20, 100] [-40, 120] [0.2, 0.4] Antifrogen N, The density was measured with an expanded measurement uncertainty of 0.05 kg/m³ (k=2). The specific heat capacity with an extended measurement uncertainty of 1.5 % (k=2). The kinematic viscosity with a measurement uncertainty of 1 % (k=2). The thermal conductivity is based on manufacturer data sheets and not by Baack. The mixture was prepared with a volumetric flask with a relative expected uncertainty of 0.1 % (k=2) regarding volume fraction between concentrate and water. Some density and viscosity measurements could only be carried out at maximum temperatures of 90 °C to 95 °C due to the "open" design of the measuring devices. Some mixtures were studied at temperatures above -20 °C as they already began to freeze at lower temperatures.
Baack2020.Tyfocor_L [-20, 100] [-40, 120] [0.25, 0.4] Tyfocor L, The density was measured with an expanded measurement uncertainty of 0.05 kg/m³ (k=2). The specific heat capacity with an extended measurement uncertainty of 1.5 % (k=2). The kinematic viscosity with a measurement uncertainty of 1 % (k=2). The thermal conductivity is based on manufacturer data sheets and not by Baack. The mixture was prepared with a volumetric flask with a relative expected uncertainty of 0.1 % (k=2) regarding volume fraction between concentrate and water. Some density and viscosity measurements could only be carried out at maximum temperatures of 90 °C to 95 °C due to the "open" design of the measuring devices. Some mixtures were studied at temperatures above -20 °C as they already began to freeze at lower temperatures.
IIR_SWF.Ammonia-Water [-100, 30] [0, 0.3] Ammonia (NH3) - aq
IIR_SWF.CalciumChloride-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.3] Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) - aq
IIR_SWF.EthylAlcohol-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.6] Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) - aq
IIR_SWF.EthyleneGlycol-Water [-100, 100] [0, 0.6] Ethylene Glycol - aq
IIR_SWF.Glycerol-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.6] Glycerol - aq
IIR_SWF.LithiumChloride-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.24] Lithium Chloride (LiCl) - aq
IIR_SWF.MagnesiumChloride-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.3] Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) - aq
IIR_SWF.MethylAlcohol-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.6] Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) - aq
IIR_SWF.PotassiumAcetate-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.45] Potassium Acetate (CH3CO2K) - aq
IIR_SWF.PotassiumCarbonate-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.4] Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3) - aq
IIR_SWF.PotassiumFormate-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.48] Potassium Formate (CHKO2) - aq
IIR_SWF.PropyleneGlycol-Water [-100, 100] [0, 0.6] Propylene Glycol - aq
IIR_SWF.SodiumChloride-Water [-100, 40] [0, 0.23] Sodium Chloride (NaCl) - aq

VLEFluid Names TILMedia

Substance name Description
TILMedia.1-BUTENE CAS number 106-98-9, 1-butene, 1-butylene, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.ACETONE CAS number 67-64-1, propanone, dimethyl ketone, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.AMMONIA CAS number 7664-41-7, ammonia, R-717, EOS models: {FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.ARGON CAS number 7440-37-1, argon, R-740, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.CARBONYLSULFIDE CAS number 463-58-1, carbon oxide sulfide, carbon oxysulfide, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.CO2 The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=5.18 bar, T=216.59 K
TILMedia.CO2(EOS=AClibReferenceProperties) CAS number 124-38-9, carbon dioxide, R-744
TILMedia.CO2(EOS=AClibTechnical) CAS number 124-38-9, carbon dioxide, R-744
TILMedia.CYCLOPENTANE CAS number 287-92-3, cyclopentane, C5H10, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.D4 CAS number 556-67-2, octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, D4, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.D5 CAS number 541-02-6, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, D5, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.DEUTERIUM CAS number 7782-39-0, deuterium, deuterium, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.DIMETHYLCARBONATE CAS number 616-38-6, dimethyl ester carbonic acid, DMC, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.DIMETHYLETHER CAS number 115-10-6, methoxymethane, RE-170, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.ETHANE CAS number 74-84-0, ethane, R-170, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.ETHANOL The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=~0.001 Pa, T=159.0 K
TILMedia.ETHYLBENZENE CAS number 100-41-4, phenylethane, benzene, ethyl-, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.ETHYLENE CAS number 74-85-1, ethene, R-1150, EOS models: {FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.HEAVYWATER CAS number 7789-20-0, deuterium oxide, deuterium oxide, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.HELIUM CAS number 7440-59-7, helium-4, R-704, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.HYDROGEN CAS number 1333-74-0, hydrogen (normal), R-702, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.HYDROGENSULFIDE CAS number 7783-06-4, hydrogen sulfide, dihydrogen monosulfide, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.ISOBUTANE CAS number 75-28-5, 2-methylpropane, R-600a, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.ISOPENTANE CAS number 78-78-4, 2-methylbutane, R-601a, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.KRYPTON CAS number 7439-90-9, krypton, R-784, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.M-XYLENE CAS number 108-38-3, 1,3-dimethylbenzene, m-xylene, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.MD4M CAS number 107-52-8, tetradecamethylhexasiloxane, MD4M, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.METHANE CAS number 74-82-8, methane, R-50, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.METHANOL CAS number 67-56-1, Methanol, Methyl alcohol, EOS models: {E1, FE1, FE2, FEQ}
TILMedia.METHYLLINOLEATE CAS number 112-63-0, methyl (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoate, methyl ester(Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.METHYLOLEATE CAS number 112-62-9, methyl cis-9-octadecenoate, methyl ester oleic acid, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.METHYLPALMITATE CAS number 112-39-0, methyl hexadecanoate, methyl ester palmitic acid, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.METHYLSTEARATE CAS number 112-61-8, methyl octadecanoate, methyl ester stearic acid, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.MM CAS number 107-46-0, hexamethyldisiloxane, MM, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.N-BUTANE CAS number 106-97-8, n-butane, R-600, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.N-DODECANE CAS number 112-40-3, dodecane, n-dodecane, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.N-NONANE CAS number 111-84-2, nonane, n-nonane, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.NEON CAS number 7440-01-9, neon, R-720, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.NEOPENTANE CAS number 463-82-1, 2,2-dimethylpropane, tetramethylmethane, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.NITROGEN CAS number 7727-37-9, nitrogen, R-728, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.NITROUSOXIDE CAS number 10024-97-2, dinitrogen monoxide, R-744A, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.O-XYLENE CAS number 95-47-6, 1,2-dimethylbenzene, o-xylene, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.ORTHOHYDROGEN CAS number 1333-74-0o, Orthohydrogen, R-702o, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.OXYGEN CAS number 7782-44-7, oxygen, R-732, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.P-XYLENE CAS number 106-42-3, 1,4-dimethylbenzene, p-xylene, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.PARAHYDROGEN CAS number 1333-74-0p, parahydrogen, R-702p, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.PROPANE CAS number 74-98-6, propane, R-290, EOS models: {FEK, FEQ}
TILMedia.PROPYLENE CAS number 115-07-1, propene, R-1270, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R113 CAS number 76-13-1, 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, CFC-113, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R116 CAS number 76-16-4, hexafluoroethane, FC-116, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R12 CAS number 75-71-8, dichlorodifluoromethane, CFC-12, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R1233ZDE CAS number 102687-65-0, trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propene, HFO-1233zd(E), EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R1234YF CAS number 754-12-1, 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene, R-1234yf, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R1234ZEE CAS number 29118-24-9, trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, HFO-1234ze(E), EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R1234ZEZ CAS number 29118-25-0, cis-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene, HFO-1234ze(Z), EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R124 CAS number 2837-89-0, 1-chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, HCFC-124, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R125 CAS number 354-33-6, pentafluoroethane, HFC-125, EOS models: {FE1, FE4}
TILMedia.R1336MZZZ CAS number 692-49-9, (Z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-Hexafluoro-2-butene, R1336mzz(Z), EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R134A The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=389.6 Pa, T=169.85 K
TILMedia.R141B CAS number 1717-00-6, 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane, HCFC-141b, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R142B CAS number 75-68-3, 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane, HCFC-142b, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R143A CAS number 420-46-2, 1,1,1-trifluoroethane, HFC-143a, EOS models: {FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.R161 CAS number 353-36-6, fluoroethane, ethyl fluoride, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R218 CAS number 76-19-7, octafluoropropane, perfluoropropane, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R22 CAS number 75-45-6, Chlorodifluoromethane, HCFC-22, EOS models: {FE1, FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.R227EA CAS number 431-89-0, 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane, HFC-227ea, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R23 CAS number 75-46-7, trifluoromethane, HFC-23, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R245FA The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=12.5 Pa, T=171.05 K
TILMedia.R32 CAS number 75-10-5, difluoromethane, HFC-32, EOS models: {FE2, FEQ}
TILMedia.R365MFC CAS number 406-58-6, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane, HFC-365mfc, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.R404APPF The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=0.227 bar, T=200.0 K
TILMedia.R407CPPF The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=0.192 bar, T=200.0 K
TILMedia.R410APPF The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=0.292 bar, T=200.0 K
TILMedia.R507APPF 50% R125/50% R143a, R507A, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.RC318 CAS number 115-25-3, octafluorocyclobutane, FC-C318, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.SES36 EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.SULFURHEXAFLUORIDE CAS number 2551-62-4, sulfur hexafluoride, sulfur fluoride, EOS models: {FEQ, FES}
TILMedia.TOLUENE CAS number 108-88-3, methylbenzene, toluene, EOS models: {FEQ}
TILMedia.WATER The calculation isn't valid below the triplepoint: p=612.5 Pa, T=273.16 K
TILMedia.XENON CAS number 7440-63-3, xenon, EOS models: {FEQ}

VLEFluid Names Refrop and CoolProp

Property models from external libraries as Refprop and CoolProp are in the separate Modelica-library TILMedia3_AddOn_ExternalData.

Gas, Liquid and VLEFluid Names VDIWA2006

Substance name Substance name
VDIWA2006.1,1,1-Trichloroethane VDIWA2006.1,1,1-Trifluoroethane
VDIWA2006.1,1,2,2-tetrachlorodifluoroethane VDIWA2006.1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
VDIWA2006.1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane VDIWA2006.1,1-dichloroethane
VDIWA2006.1,1-dichloroethene VDIWA2006.1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene
VDIWA2006.1,2,3,5-tetramethylbenzene VDIWA2006.1,2,3-trimethylbenzene
VDIWA2006.1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene VDIWA2006.1,2,4-trimethylbenzene
VDIWA2006.1,2-butadiene VDIWA2006.1,2-dibromoethane
VDIWA2006.1,2-dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane VDIWA2006.1,2-dichloroethane
VDIWA2006.1,2-pentadiene VDIWA2006.1,3,5-trimethylbenzene
VDIWA2006.1,3-butadiene VDIWA2006.1,3-pentadiene
VDIWA2006.1,3-Propylenglycol VDIWA2006.1,4-dioxane
VDIWA2006.1,4-pentadiene VDIWA2006.1-butene
VDIWA2006.1-chlorobutane VDIWA2006.1-chloropentane
VDIWA2006.1-chloropropane VDIWA2006.1-ethylnaphthalene
VDIWA2006.1-heptene VDIWA2006.1-hexene
VDIWA2006.1-methylnaphthalene VDIWA2006.1-Octene
VDIWA2006.1-pentene VDIWA2006.1-phenylethanone
VDIWA2006.2,2-dimethylbutane VDIWA2006.2,2-dimethylpropane
VDIWA2006.2,3-dimethylbutane VDIWA2006.2,3-pentadiene
VDIWA2006.2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane VDIWA2006.2-ethylnaphthalene
VDIWA2006.2-hydroxybenzaldehyde VDIWA2006.2-methylbutane
VDIWA2006.2-methylnaphthalene VDIWA2006.2-methylpentane
VDIWA2006.2-methylpropan-1-ol VDIWA2006.2-methylpropane
VDIWA2006.3-methylpentane VDIWA2006.acetaldehyde
VDIWA2006.acetic anhydride VDIWA2006.acetonitrile
VDIWA2006.acetylene VDIWA2006.Ammonia
VDIWA2006.Argon VDIWA2006.benzaldehyde
VDIWA2006.benzene VDIWA2006.benzonitrile
VDIWA2006.benzophenone VDIWA2006.biphenyl
VDIWA2006.Bromine VDIWA2006.bromobenzene
VDIWA2006.Bromocyanide VDIWA2006.bromoethane
VDIWA2006.bromomethane VDIWA2006.butan-1-amine
VDIWA2006.butane VDIWA2006.butanenitrile
VDIWA2006.butanoic acid VDIWA2006.butanol
VDIWA2006.butylbenzene VDIWA2006.butylcyclohexane
VDIWA2006.butylcyclopentane VDIWA2006.Carbomethene
VDIWA2006.carbon dioxide VDIWA2006.carbon disulfide
VDIWA2006.carbon monoxide VDIWA2006.carbon suboxide
VDIWA2006.carbonyl sulfide VDIWA2006.Chlorine
VDIWA2006.chloroacetic acid VDIWA2006.chlorobenzene
VDIWA2006.Chlorocyanide VDIWA2006.chlorodifluoromethane
VDIWA2006.chloroethane VDIWA2006.Chloroethylene
VDIWA2006.chloromethane VDIWA2006.chloromethylbenzene
VDIWA2006.chlorotrifluoroethylene VDIWA2006.chlorotrifluoromethane
VDIWA2006.Cyanogen VDIWA2006.cyclobutane
VDIWA2006.cyclohexane VDIWA2006.cyclohexanol
VDIWA2006.cyclohexene VDIWA2006.cyclopentane
VDIWA2006.cyclopentene VDIWA2006.cyclopropane
VDIWA2006.decane VDIWA2006.dibromomethane
VDIWA2006.dichloroacetic acid VDIWA2006.dichlorodifluoromethane
VDIWA2006.dichlorofluoromethane VDIWA2006.dichloromethane
VDIWA2006.diethyl ketone VDIWA2006.diethyl sulfide
VDIWA2006.diethylamine VDIWA2006.difluoromethane
VDIWA2006.dimethyl sulfide VDIWA2006.dimethylacetylene
VDIWA2006.dimethylamine VDIWA2006.dimethylenemethane
VDIWA2006.Dinitrogen tetroxide VDIWA2006.diphenylamine
VDIWA2006.diphenylmethane VDIWA2006.dodecane
VDIWA2006.DryAir VDIWA2006.ethanamine
VDIWA2006.ethane VDIWA2006.ethanethiol
VDIWA2006.ethanoic acid VDIWA2006.ethanol
VDIWA2006.ethene VDIWA2006.ethoxyethane
VDIWA2006.ethoxypropane VDIWA2006.ethyl-acetate
VDIWA2006.ethyl-benzoate VDIWA2006.ethyl-butanoate
VDIWA2006.ethyl-formate VDIWA2006.ethyl-propionate
VDIWA2006.ethylacetylene VDIWA2006.ethylbenzene
VDIWA2006.ethylcyclepentane VDIWA2006.ethylcyclohexane
VDIWA2006.ethylene oxide VDIWA2006.Ethylenglycol
VDIWA2006.Fluorine VDIWA2006.fluorobenzene
VDIWA2006.Fluorocyanide VDIWA2006.fluoroethane
VDIWA2006.fluoromethane VDIWA2006.furan
VDIWA2006.furan-2-carbaldehyde VDIWA2006.glycerin
VDIWA2006.Helium VDIWA2006.heptadecane
VDIWA2006.heptane VDIWA2006.heptanol
VDIWA2006.hexachloroethane VDIWA2006.hexadecane
VDIWA2006.hexamethylbenzene VDIWA2006.hexane
VDIWA2006.hexanoic acid VDIWA2006.hexanol
VDIWA2006.hexylbenzene VDIWA2006.hexylcyclohexane
VDIWA2006.hexylcyclopentane VDIWA2006.Hydrogen
VDIWA2006.Hydrogen bromide VDIWA2006.Hydrogen chloride
VDIWA2006.Hydrogen cyanide VDIWA2006.Hydrogen fluoride
VDIWA2006.Hydrogen Iodide VDIWA2006.Hydrogen sulfide
VDIWA2006.icosane VDIWA2006.Iodine
VDIWA2006.iodinecyanide VDIWA2006.iodobenzene
VDIWA2006.isopentyl alcohol VDIWA2006.isopropyl alcohol
VDIWA2006.Isopropylbenzene VDIWA2006.Krypton
VDIWA2006.m-chlorotoluene VDIWA2006.m-cresol
VDIWA2006.m-nitrotoluene VDIWA2006.m-xylene
VDIWA2006.methanal VDIWA2006.methanamide
VDIWA2006.methane VDIWA2006.methanethiol
VDIWA2006.methanoic acid VDIWA2006.methanol
VDIWA2006.methoxymethane VDIWA2006.methoxypropane
VDIWA2006.methyl ethyl ketone VDIWA2006.methyl-acetate
VDIWA2006.methyl-benzoate VDIWA2006.methyl-butanoate
VDIWA2006.methyl-formate VDIWA2006.METHYL-PROPIONATE
VDIWA2006.methyl-salicylate VDIWA2006.methylacetylene
VDIWA2006.methylamine VDIWA2006.methylbenzene
VDIWA2006.methylcyclohexane VDIWA2006.methylcyclopentane
VDIWA2006.N,N-diethyl-anilin VDIWA2006.N,N-dimethyl-anilin
VDIWA2006.n-methyl-anilin VDIWA2006.n-propyl-propionate
VDIWA2006.naphthalene VDIWA2006.Neon
VDIWA2006.Nitric oxide VDIWA2006.nitrobenzene
VDIWA2006.Nitrogen VDIWA2006.Nitrogen dioxide
VDIWA2006.nitromethane VDIWA2006.Nitrous oxide
VDIWA2006.nonadecane VDIWA2006.nonane
VDIWA2006.o-cresol VDIWA2006.o-nitrotoluene
VDIWA2006.o-xylene VDIWA2006.octadecane
VDIWA2006.octane VDIWA2006.octanol
VDIWA2006.Oxygen VDIWA2006.p-cresol
VDIWA2006.p-nitrotoluene VDIWA2006.p-xylene
VDIWA2006.pentachloroethane VDIWA2006.pentadecane
VDIWA2006.pentamethylbenzene VDIWA2006.pentane
VDIWA2006.pentanoic acid VDIWA2006.pentanol
VDIWA2006.pentylbenzene VDIWA2006.pentylcyclohexane
VDIWA2006.pentylcyclopentane VDIWA2006.phenol
VDIWA2006.phenylamine VDIWA2006.phenylhydrazine
VDIWA2006.phenylmethanol VDIWA2006.phosgene
VDIWA2006.piperidine VDIWA2006.propane
VDIWA2006.propanenitrile VDIWA2006.propanoic acid
VDIWA2006.propanol VDIWA2006.propanone
VDIWA2006.propanoyl propanoate VDIWA2006.propene
VDIWA2006.propoxypropane VDIWA2006.propyl ketone
VDIWA2006.propyl-acetate VDIWA2006.propyl-formate
VDIWA2006.propylamine VDIWA2006.propylbenzene
VDIWA2006.propylcyclohexane VDIWA2006.propylcyclopentane
VDIWA2006.pyridine VDIWA2006.styrene
VDIWA2006.Sulfur VDIWA2006.sulfur dioxide
VDIWA2006.sulfur hexafluoride VDIWA2006.sulfur trioxide
VDIWA2006.sulfury chloride VDIWA2006.tetrabromomethane
VDIWA2006.tetrachlorocarbon VDIWA2006.tetrachloroethene
VDIWA2006.tetradecane VDIWA2006.tetrafluoromethane
VDIWA2006.tetraphenylmethane VDIWA2006.thiophene
VDIWA2006.tribromomethane VDIWA2006.trichloroacetic acid
VDIWA2006.trichloroethylene VDIWA2006.trichlorofluoromethane
VDIWA2006.trichloromethane VDIWA2006.tridecane
VDIWA2006.triethylamine VDIWA2006.trifluoromethane
VDIWA2006.trimethylamine VDIWA2006.triphenylmethane
VDIWA2006.undecane VDIWA2006.Water

Gas Names NASA

The 2024 substances from the NASA Glenn Coefficients are available but not listed here.

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