Dynamic model of the University of California - Berkeley's Compact Integral Effects Test facility (CIET). CIET is as an integral effects test for a fluoride salt-cooled high temperature reactors (FHR). The facility was designed to match the transient thermal hydraulic response of a prototypical FHR during forced and natural circulation for the purpose of code validation. It uses Dowtherm A as a simulant heat transfer fluid for molten salt, matching the Reynolds, Grashof, Prandtl, and Froude numbers at much lower temperatures.
This model was created for steady state and frequency response tests. More details can be found in de Wet et. al. 2019 (Source 1).
Source 1:
1. Wet, Dane de, Michael Scott Greenwood, Christopher Morris Poresky, James C. Kendrick, and Per F. Peterson. 2019. “A Frequency Response Approach to Model Validation for the Compact Integral Effects Test Facility in TRANSFORM.” In Proceedings of the 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydrualics (NURETH-18). Portland, OR: American Nuclear Society.
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