function fRe2_EndCross input Boolean toggleStaggered "true = staggered grid type; false = in-line"; input SI.Length d_o "Outer diameter of tubes"; input SI.Length D_i "Inside shell diameter"; input SI.Length DB "Tube bundle diameter"; input SI.Length s1 "Tube to tube pitch parallel to baffel edge"; input SI.Length s2 "Tube to tube pitch perpindicular to baffel edge"; input SI.Length S "Baffle spacing between baffles"; input SI.Length S_E "Baffle spacing between the heat exchanger sheets and adjacent baffles"; input SI.Length e1 "Space between tubes and shell"; input Real nes "# of shortest connections connecting neighboring tubes"; input Real n_MR "# of main resistances in cross flow path"; input Real n_MRE "# of main resistances in end cross flow path"; input Real n_s "# of pairs of sealing strips"; input SI.DynamicViscosity mu "Upstream dynamic viscosity"; input SI.DynamicViscosity mu_w "Dynamic viscosity of fluid at average wall temperature"; input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate"; output Units.NonDim fRe2 "Modified friction coefficient (= f*Re^2)"; end fRe2_EndCross;