McCarthy-Wolf turbulent flow heat transfer correlation. Given in WANL-TME-2697 in equation 12. Entrance effect ignored (replaced with 1.06, for when x/D = 10).
function Nu_McCarthyWolf input SI.ReynoldsNumber Re "Reynolds number"; input SI.PrandtlNumber Pr "Prandtl number"; input Real TemperatureRatio "Ratio of bulk to wall temperature"; input Real A = 0.025 "Multiplication value"; input Real B = 1.06 "Entrance effect approximation"; input Real alpha = 0.8 "Exponent to Reynolds number"; input Real beta = 0.4 "Exponent to Prandtl number"; input Real gamma = 0.55 "Exponent to Temperature ratio"; output SI.NusseltNumber Nu "Nusselt number"; end Nu_McCarthyWolf;