

Model Cell1Dim describes the flow of fluid through a single cell. An overall flow model can be obtained by interconnecting several cells in series (see Flow1Dim).

Pressure and enthalpy are selected as state variables.

Two types of variables can be distinguished: cell variables and node variables. Node variables are characterized by the su (supply) and ex (exhaust) subscripts, and correspond to the inlet and outlet nodes at each cell. The relation between the cell and node values depends on the discretization scheme selected.

The assumptions for this model are:

The model is characterized by two flow connector and one lumped thermal port connector. During normal operation the fluid enters the model from the InFlow connector and exits from the OutFlow connector. In case of flow reversal the fluid direction is inversed.

The thermal energy transfer through the lateral surface is computed by the ConvectiveHeatTransfer model which is inerithed in the Cell1Dim model.

Modelling options

In the General tab the following options are availabe:

  • Medium: the user has the possibility to easly switch Medium.
  • HeatTransfer: the user can choose the thermal energy model he prefers

In the Initialization tab the following options are availabe:

  • steadystate: If it sets to true, the derivative of enthalpy is sets to zero during Initialization

Numerical options

In this tab several options are available to make the model more robust:

  • Discretization: 2 main discretization options are available: UpWind and central difference method. The authors raccomand the UpWind Scheme - AllowsFlowReversal in case flow reversal is expected.
  • Mdotconst: assume constant mass flow rate at each node.
  • max_der: if true the density derivative is truncated during phase change
  • filter_dMdt: if true a first order filter is applied to the fast variations of the density with respect to time
  • max_drhodt: it represents the maximum value of the density derivative. It activates when using max_der is set to true
  • TT: it represents the integration time of the first order filter. It activates when filter_dMdt is set to true
  • ComputeSat: if false saturation properties are not computed in the fluid model and they can be passed as a parameter.


 HeatTransferConvective heat transfer

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