

The model SmoothedInit extends the partial model PartialConvectiveSmoothed and allows the user to choose the correlation to calculate the heat transfer coefficient in the different zones:

In order to increase the robustness of the model an initialization option is available:the heat transfer coefficient value is initialized with the nominal value defined by the user U_nom, and after a certain time (t_init - see below) the value is smoothed to the one calculated with the correlations previusly defined by the user.

In cases of fluctuating pressures and chattering, applying a first order filter to the change in heat transfer coefficient increases stability, set the parameter filterConstant > 0 to activate it.

A limiter for the maximum change of the heat transfer coefficent with respect to time can be activated by setting the parameter max_dUdt >=0 in the general tab.

In the Initialization tab the following options are availabe:

  • Contents

     LiquidCorrelationcorrelated heat transfer coefficient liquid side
     TwoPhaseCorrelationcorrelated heat transfer coefficient two phase side
     VapourCorrelationcorrelated heat transfer coefficient vapour side

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