This model describes a hermetic scroll compressor. The model involves a limited number of parameters physically meaningful. The model accounts for the supply heating-up and exhaust cooling down of the gas, an internal leakage, the internal compression ratio and the electromechanical losses. The model is the one proposed by Winandy et al. (2002). Information used to identify the parameters is extracted from Copeland's catalogue (ZR72KC-TFD)
A Area, m^2
AU Global heat transfer coefficient, W/K
c_p Specific heat, J/kg-K
corr Correction factor for the swept volume, -
d Diameter, m
h Specific enthalpy, J/kg
M_dot Mass flow rate , kg/s
NTU Number of transfer units,-
N_rot Rotational speed, rpm
p Pressure, Pa
Q_dot Thermal power, W
R Thermal resistance, K/W
r_p Pressure ratio,-
r_v_in Internal built-in volume ratio,-
s Specific entropy, J/kg-K
t Temperature, C
u Specific internal energy, J/kg
v Specific volume, m^3/kg
V_dot_s Swept volume, m^3/s
W_dot Electrical power, W
x quality,-
alpha Proportionality factor for electro-mechanical losses proportional to the internal power
DELTAt Temperature difference, K
epsilon Efficiency,-
gamma Isentropic coefficient,-
m3h Cubic meters per hour
rho Density, kg m-3
amb Ambient
calc Calculated
cd Condenser
cp Compressor
crit Critic
ev Evaporator
ex Exhaust
ex2 Exhaust before cooling exhaust down
ex1 Exhaust before exhaust pressure drop
n Internal
in* Corrected internal
leak Leakage
loss Electro-mechanical losses
loss0 Constant electro-mechanical losses
man Manufacturer (in Figures)
n Nominal
oh Over-heating
r Refrigerant
s Isentropic
s Swept volume
sat Saturation
sc Sub-cooling
su Supply
su1 Supply after supply heating-up
su2 Supply after mixing with internal mixing
thr Throat
w Water, enveloppe
[1] Winandy, E., C., Saavedra O., J., Lebrun (2002) Experimental analysis and simplified modelling of a hermetic scrol refrigeration compressor. Applied thermal Engineering 22, 107-120.
the accuracy or reliability of information presented in this model is not guaranteed or warranted in any way. Every use of this model, for commercial purpose or not, incurs liability of the user only. this model is freely distributed and may not be sold or distributed for commercial purpose. the user is asked to cite his sources and the origin of this model.
!Help us improving this model : any feedback comment is very welcome
Date : January 2014
Authors: Sylvain Quoilin
University of Liège
Faculty of Applied Sciences
thermodynamics Laboratory
Campus of Sart-tilman, B49 (P33)
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