Name | Description |
HeatExchanger | Base class for heat exchanger fluid - gas |
ParallelHE | Base class for Parallel Heat Exchanger (two fluid with one gas) |
ParallelHE_Des | Base class for parallel Heat Exchanger (two fluid with one gas) with desuperheater |
HEG_2L | Base class for Heat Exchangers Group with two pressure levels and desuperheater |
HEG_2LRh | Base class for Heat Exchangers Group with two pressure levels |
HEG_3LRh | Base class for Heat Exchangers Group with three pressure levels and reheat |
DG_2L | Base class for Drums Group with two pressure levels |
DG_3L_s | Base class for Drums Group with three pressure levels, series feedwater pumps |
DG_3L_p | Base class for Drums Group with three pressure levels, parallel feedwater pumps |
HRSG_2L | Base class for Heat Recovery Steam Generator with two pressure levels |
HRSG_2LRh | Base class for Heat Recovery Steam Generator with two pressure levels and reheat |
HRSG_3LRh | Base class for Heat Recovery Steam Generator with three pressure levels and reheat |