

Standard version without Anaytic Jacobians


 waterBaseProp_phintermediate property record for water
 waterBaseProp_psintermediate property record for water
 rho_props_psdensity as function of pressure and specific entropy
 rho_psdensity as function of pressure and specific entropy
 T_props_pstemperature as function of pressure and specific entropy
 T_pstemperature as function of pressure and specific entropy
 h_props_psspecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 h_psspecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 phase_psphase as a function of pressure and specific entropy
 phase_phphase as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 phase_dTphase as a function of pressure and temperature
 rho_props_phdensity as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 rho_phdensity as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 rho_ph_derderivative function of rho_ph
 T_props_phtemperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 T_phtemperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 T_ph_derderivative function of T_ph
 s_props_phspecific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 s_phspecific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 s_ph_derspecific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 cv_props_phspecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 cv_phspecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 regionAssertRealassert function for inlining
 cp_props_phspecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 cp_phspecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 beta_props_phisobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 beta_phisobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 kappa_props_phisothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 kappa_phisothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 velocityOfSound_props_phspeed of sound as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 isentropicExponent_props_phisentropic exponent as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 isentropicExponent_phisentropic exponent as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 ddph_propsdensity derivative by pressure
 ddphdensity derivative by pressure
 ddhp_propsdensity derivative by specific enthalpy
 ddhpdensity derivative by specific enthalpy
 waterBaseProp_pTintermediate property record for water (p and T prefered states)
 rho_props_pTdensity as function or pressure and temperature
 rho_pTdensity as function or pressure and temperature
 h_props_pTspecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 h_pTspecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 h_pT_derderivative function of h_pT
 rho_pT_derderivative function of rho_pT
 s_props_pTspecific entropy as function of pressure and temperature
 s_pTtemperature as function of pressure and temperature
 cv_props_pTspecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and temperature
 cv_pTspecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and temperature
 cp_props_pTspecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and temperature
 cp_pTspecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and temperature
 beta_props_pTisobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and temperature
 beta_pTisobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and temperature
 kappa_props_pTisothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and temperature
 kappa_pTisothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and temperature
 velocityOfSound_props_pTspeed of sound as function of pressure and temperature
 velocityOfSound_pTspeed of sound as function of pressure and temperature
 isentropicExponent_props_pTisentropic exponent as function of pressure and temperature
 isentropicExponent_pTisentropic exponent as function of pressure and temperature
 waterBaseProp_dTintermediate property record for water (d and T prefered states)
 h_props_dTspecific enthalpy as function of density and temperature
 h_dTspecific enthalpy as function of density and temperature
 h_dT_derderivative function of h_dT
 p_props_dTpressure as function of density and temperature
 p_dTpressure as function of density and temperature
 p_dT_derderivative function of p_dT
 s_props_dTspecific entropy as function of density and temperature
 s_dTtemperature as function of density and temperature
 cv_props_dTspecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of density and temperature
 cv_dTspecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of density and temperature
 cp_props_dTspecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of density and temperature
 cp_dTspecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of density and temperature
 beta_props_dTisobaric expansion coefficient as function of density and temperature
 beta_dTisobaric expansion coefficient as function of density and temperature
 kappa_props_dTisothermal compressibility factor as function of density and temperature
 kappa_dTisothermal compressibility factor as function of density and temperature
 velocityOfSound_props_dTspeed of sound as function of density and temperature
 velocityOfSound_dTspeed of sound as function of density and temperature
 isentropicExponent_props_dTisentropic exponent as function of density and temperature
 isentropicExponent_dTisentropic exponent as function of density and temperature
 hl_pcompute the saturated liquid specific h(p)
 hv_pcompute the saturated vapour specific h(p)
 sl_pcompute the saturated liquid specific s(p)
 sv_pcompute the saturated vapour specific s(p)
 rhol_Tcompute the saturated liquid d(T)
 rhov_Tcompute the saturated vapour d(T)
 rhol_pcompute the saturated liquid d(p)
 rhov_pcompute the saturated vapour d(p)
 dynamicViscositycompute eta(d,T) in the one-phase region
 thermalConductivitycompute lambda(d,T) in the one-phase region
 surfaceTensioncompute sigma(T) at saturation T
 isentropicEnthalpyisentropic specific enthalpy from p,s (preferably use dynamicIsentropicEnthalpy in dynamic simulation!)
 isentropicEnthalpy_derderivative of isentropic specific enthalpy from p,s
 dynamicIsentropicEnthalpyisentropic specific enthalpy from p,s and good guesses of d and T

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