Calculation of fluid properties for Pentafluoropropane (R245fa) in the fluid region of 0.000125 bar (Triple pressure) to 2000 bar and 171.5 Kelvin to 440 Kelvin.
The functions provided by this package shall be used inside of the restricted limits according to the referenced literature.
Name | Description |
Thermodynamic state | |
Base properties of R1234yf | |
Set state for pressure and specific enthalpy (X not used since single substance) | |
Set state for density and temperature (X not used since single substance) | |
Set state for pressure and specific entropy (X not used since single substance) | |
Set state for pressure and temperature (X not used since single substance) | |
Return the thermodynamic state on the bubble line | |
Return the thermodynamic state on the dew line | |
Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input | |
Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input | |
Pressure w.r.t. thermodynamic state | |
Specific internal energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | |
Specific enthalpy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input | |
Specific entropy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input if necessary | |
Saturation temperature in two-phase region | |
Derivative of saturation temperature in two-phase region | |
Derivative of saturation temperature in two-phase region | |
Density of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | |
Derivative of liquid density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Time derivative of liquid density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Density of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | |
Derivative of vapor density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Derivative of vapor density in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Dpecific enthalpy of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | |
Derivative of liquid specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Derivative of liquid specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Specific enthalpy of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | |
Derivative of vapor specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Derivative of vapor specific enthalpy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | |
Specific entropy of vapor phase w.r.t saturation pressure | |
Derivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input | |
Time derivative of vapor specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input | |
Specific entropy of liquid phase w.r.t saturation pressure | |
Derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input | |
Time derivative of liquid specific entropy in two-phase region w.r.t pressure | use setState_phX function for input | |
Saturation pressure w.r.t. temperature | |
Specific heat capacity at constant pressure | turns inifity in two-phase region! | use setState_phX function for input | |
Specific heat capacity at constant volume | use setState_phX function for input | |
Dynamic viscosity w.r.t. temperature and density | use setState_phX function for input | |
Thermal conductivity w.r.t. thermodynamic state | use setState_phX function for input | |
Surface tension as a function of temperature (below critical point) | |
Velocity of sound w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase) | |
Isothermal compressibility w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase) | |
Isobaric expansion coefficient w.r.t. thermodynamic state (only valid for one-phase) | |
Isentropic exponent gamma w.r.t. thermodynamic state | not defined in two-phase region | use setState_phX function for input | |
Specific gibbs energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | |
Helmholtz energy w.r.t. thermodynamic state | |
Density derivative by specific enthalpy | use setState_phX function for input | |
Density derivative by pressure | use setState_phX function for input | |
Isentropic enthalpy of downstream pressure and upstream thermodynamic state (specific entropy) | |
Density and temperature w.r.t. pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Density and temperature w.r.t. pressure and specific enthalpy in one-phase region | |
Inverse iteration in one phase region (d,T) = f(p,s) | |
Calculation of helmholtz derivatives by density and temperature | |
Helmholtz coefficients of ideal part | |
Calculation of helmholtz derivatives | |
Number of phases by pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Number of phases by pressure and entropy | |
Isentropic specific enthalpy in two phase region h(p,s) | |
Properties on liquid boundary phase | |
Properties on vapor boundary phase | |
Derivative function of rho_ph | |
Density as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Derivative function of T_ph | |
Temperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy | |
Smooth transition function between state_a and state_b | |
Compute d for given p and T | |
Compute h for given p and T | |
Assert function for checking threshold to phase boundary |
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