
Low level and utility computation for high accuracy water properties according to the IAPWS/IF97 standard


Package description

This package provides high accuracy physical properties for water according to the IAPWS/IF97 standard. It has been part of the ThermoFluid Modelica library and been extended, reorganized and documented to become part of the Modelica Standard library.

An important feature that distinguishes this implementation of the IF97 steam property standard is that this implementation has been explicitly designed to work well in dynamic simulations. Computational performance has been of high importance. This means that there often exist several ways to get the same result from different functions if one of the functions is called often but can be optimized for that purpose.

The original documentation of the IAPWS/IF97 steam properties can freely be distributed with computer implementations, so for curious minds the complete standard documentation is provided with the Modelica properties library. The following documents are included (in directory Modelica/Resources/Documentation/Media/Water/IF97documentation):

Package contents

Version Info and Revision history

Author: Hubertus Tummescheit,
Modelon AB
Ideon Science Park
SE-22370 Lund, Sweden
email: hubertus@modelon.se


 BaseIF97Modelica Physical Property Model: the new industrial formulation IAPWS-IF97
 waterBaseProp_phIntermediate property record for water
 waterBaseProp_psIntermediate property record for water
 rho_props_psDensity as function of pressure and specific entropy
 rho_psDensity as function of pressure and specific entropy
 T_props_psTemperature as function of pressure and specific entropy
 T_psTemperature as function of pressure and specific entropy
 h_props_psSpecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 h_psSpecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 phase_psPhase as a function of pressure and specific entropy
 phase_phPhase as a function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 phase_dTPhase as a function of pressure and temperature
 rho_props_phDensity as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 rho_phDensity as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 rho_ph_derDerivative function of rho_ph
 T_props_phTemperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 T_phTemperature as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 T_ph_derDerivative function of T_ph
 s_props_phSpecific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 s_phSpecific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 s_ph_derSpecific entropy as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 cv_props_phSpecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 cv_phSpecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 regionAssertRealAssert function for inlining
 cp_props_phSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 cp_phSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 beta_props_phIsobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 beta_phIsobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 kappa_props_phIsothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 kappa_phIsothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 velocityOfSound_props_phSpeed of sound as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 isentropicExponent_props_phIsentropic exponent as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 isentropicExponent_phIsentropic exponent as function of pressure and specific enthalpy
 ddph_propsDensity derivative by pressure
 ddphDensity derivative by pressure
 ddhp_propsDensity derivative by specific enthalpy
 ddhpDensity derivative by specific enthalpy
 waterBaseProp_pTIntermediate property record for water (p and T preferred states)
 rho_props_pTDensity as function or pressure and temperature
 rho_pTDensity as function or pressure and temperature
 h_props_pTSpecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 h_pTSpecific enthalpy as function or pressure and temperature
 h_pT_derDerivative function of h_pT
 rho_pT_derDerivative function of rho_pT
 s_props_pTSpecific entropy as function of pressure and temperature
 s_pTTemperature as function of pressure and temperature
 cv_props_pTSpecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and temperature
 cv_pTSpecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of pressure and temperature
 cp_props_pTSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and temperature
 cp_pTSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of pressure and temperature
 beta_props_pTIsobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and temperature
 beta_pTIsobaric expansion coefficient as function of pressure and temperature
 kappa_props_pTIsothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and temperature
 kappa_pTIsothermal compressibility factor as function of pressure and temperature
 velocityOfSound_props_pTSpeed of sound as function of pressure and temperature
 velocityOfSound_pTSpeed of sound as function of pressure and temperature
 isentropicExponent_props_pTIsentropic exponent as function of pressure and temperature
 isentropicExponent_pTIsentropic exponent as function of pressure and temperature
 waterBaseProp_dTIntermediate property record for water (d and T preferred states)
 h_props_dTSpecific enthalpy as function of density and temperature
 h_dTSpecific enthalpy as function of density and temperature
 h_dT_derDerivative function of h_dT
 p_props_dTPressure as function of density and temperature
 p_dTPressure as function of density and temperature
 p_dT_derDerivative function of p_dT
 s_props_dTSpecific entropy as function of density and temperature
 s_dTTemperature as function of density and temperature
 cv_props_dTSpecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of density and temperature
 cv_dTSpecific heat capacity at constant volume as function of density and temperature
 cp_props_dTSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of density and temperature
 cp_dTSpecific heat capacity at constant pressure as function of density and temperature
 beta_props_dTIsobaric expansion coefficient as function of density and temperature
 beta_dTIsobaric expansion coefficient as function of density and temperature
 kappa_props_dTIsothermal compressibility factor as function of density and temperature
 kappa_dTIsothermal compressibility factor as function of density and temperature
 velocityOfSound_props_dTSpeed of sound as function of density and temperature
 velocityOfSound_dTSpeed of sound as function of density and temperature
 isentropicExponent_props_dTIsentropic exponent as function of density and temperature
 isentropicExponent_dTIsentropic exponent as function of density and temperature
 hl_pCompute the saturated liquid specific h(p)
 hv_pCompute the saturated vapour specific h(p)
 sl_pCompute the saturated liquid specific s(p)
 sv_pCompute the saturated vapour specific s(p)
 rhol_TCompute the saturated liquid d(T)
 rhov_TCompute the saturated vapour d(T)
 rhol_pCompute the saturated liquid d(p)
 rhov_pCompute the saturated vapour d(p)
 dynamicViscosityCompute eta(d,T) in the one-phase region
 thermalConductivityCompute lambda(d,T,p) in the one-phase region
 surfaceTensionCompute sigma(T) at saturation T
 isentropicEnthalpyIsentropic specific enthalpy from p,s (preferably use dynamicIsentropicEnthalpy in dynamic simulation!)
 isentropicEnthalpy_derDerivative of isentropic specific enthalpy from p,s
 dynamicIsentropicEnthalpyIsentropic specific enthalpy from p,s and good guesses of d and T


Intermediate release notes during development

Currently the Events/noEvents switch is only implemented for p-h states. Only after testing that implementation, it will be extended to dT.

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