This function calculates the pressure drop according a reference pressure drop at a reference mass flow rate and reference density.
dp/dp_ref = rho_ref/rho * (m_flow/m_flow_ref)^m
The correlation can be assumed to be linear (m=1), quadratic (m=2) or with a custom exponent m.
function referencePressureLoss extends Internal.FlowResistance.partialPressureLoss; input SI.Pressure dp_ref "Reference pressure loss" annotation( Dialog(enable = true)); input SI.MassFlowRate m_flow_ref "Reference mass flow rate" annotation( Dialog(enable = true)); input SI.Density rho_ref "Reference density" annotation( Dialog(enable = true)); input ThermofluidStream.Processes.Internal.ReferencePressureDropFunction dp_function = ThermofluidStream.Processes.Internal.ReferencePressureDropFunction.linear "Pressure loss function" annotation( Dialog(enable = true)); input Real m(unit = "1") = 1.5 "Exponent for pressure loss function" annotation( Dialog(enable = (dp_function == ThermofluidStream.Processes.Internal.ReferencePressureDropFunction.customExponent))); end referencePressureLoss;