
Model of a centrifugal pump


Centrifugal pump with HQ and TQ characteristic curve.

HQ curve: TDH    := f_H *(a_h*omega*abs(omega) - b_h*omega*abs(V_flow) - c_h*V_flow*abs(V_flow));

TQ curve: tau_st := (f_Q*f_H/f_eta)*( v_ref/v_in*a_t*abs(omega)*V_flow - v_ref/v_in*b_t*abs(V_flow)*V_flow + v_i*abs(omega)*omega + v_s*abs(omega));

Both characteristics are generalized to all four quadrants of the V_flow/omega plot.

The parameters a,b,c,v can be set directly or by three scaling factors alpha, beta and gamma, which scale the reference pump.

Reference pump:

omega_D = 314.2 rad/s
V_flow_D = 3.06e-3 m3/s
TDH_D = 3.6610 m

a_h_ref =  4.864e-5 m.s2/rad2;
b_h_ref = -2.677 s2/(m2.rad);
c_h_ref =  3.967e+5 s2/m5;
a_t_ref =  5.427e-1 N.m.s2/(rad.m3);
b_t_ref =  2.777e+4 N.m.s2/m6;
v_i_ref =  1.218e-6 N.m.s2/rad2;
v_s_ref =  1.832e-4 N.m.s/rad;
f_q_ref =  1;
K_D_ref =  9.73e-06 m3/rad;
rho_ref_ref = 1.00e3 kg/m3;
r_ref   =  1.60e-2 m;

The characteristic curves are getting scaled to accommodate different densities and viscosities (according to Gülich, Kreiselpumpen: Handbuch für Entwicklung, Anlageplanung und Betrieb, 3. Auflage, Chap. 13.1).


function dp_tau_centrifugal
  extends partial_dp_tau;
  import Modelica.Constants.g_n;
  input Boolean parametrizeByScaling = true "= true, if pump characteristic curve is computed from one design point" annotation(
    Dialog(enable = true));
  input SI.Height TDH_D = 3.6610 "Design pressure head (max efficiency)" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Scaling", enable = parametrizeByScaling));
  input SI.VolumeFlowRate V_flow_D = 3.06e-3 "Design volume flow (max efficiency)" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Scaling", enable = parametrizeByScaling));
  input SI.AngularVelocity omega_D = 314.2 "Design angular velocity" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "Scaling", enable = parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real K_D_input(unit = "m3/rad") = 9.73e-06 "Vflow_D / omega_D" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "General", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Integer f_q_input = 1 "Number of floods" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "General", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input SI.Radius r_input = 1.60e-2 "Pump radius (r2)" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "General", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input SI.Density rho_ref_input = 1.00e3 "Reference density" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "General", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real a_h_input(unit = "m.s2/rad2", displayUnit = "m.min2") = 4.864e-5 "HQ factor 1" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "HQ characteristic", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real b_h_input(unit = "s2/(m2.rad)", displayUnit = "m.h.min/l") = -2.677 "HQ factor 2" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "HQ characteristic", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real c_h_input(unit = "s2/m5", displayUnit = "m.h2/l2") = 3.967e+5 "HQ factor 3" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "HQ characteristic", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real a_t_input(unit = "N.m.s2/(rad.m3)", displayUnit = "N.m.min.h/l") = 5.427e-1 "TQ factor 1" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "TQ characteristic", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real b_t_input(unit = "N.m.s2/m6", displayUnit = "N.m.h2/l2") = 2.777e+4 "TQ factor 2" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "TQ characteristic", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real v_i_input(unit = "N.m.s2/rad2", displayUnit = "N.m.min2") = 1.218e-6 "TQ factor 4" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "TQ characteristic", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real v_s_input(unit = "N.m.s/rad", displayUnit = "N.m.min") = 1.832e-4 "TQ factor 3" annotation(
    Dialog(group = "TQ characteristic", enable = not parametrizeByScaling));
  input Real Re_mod_min(unit = "1") = 1e2 "Minimum modified Reynolds number" annotation(
    Dialog(tab = "Advanced", enable = true));
end dp_tau_centrifugal;

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