
Compute dp and tau_st of a TurboComponent from the current state


This function computes the pressure differential and the moment needed for static operation of a partialTurboComponent in its current state.

By changing this function the partialTurboComponent implements different kinds of turbo components like fans, pumps, compressors, turbines, etc.


partial function partial_dp_tau
  extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
  replaceable package Medium = Media.myMedia.Interfaces.PartialMedium "Medium model" annotation(
    choicesAllMatching = true,
    Documentation(info = "<html>
Medium model needet to compute properties from the inlet_state.
  input Medium.MassFlowRate m_flow "Mass flow rate";
  input SI.AngularVelocity omega "Angular velocity";
  input Medium.ThermodynamicState state_in "Inlet state";
  input Medium.MassFlowRate m_flow_norm "Normalization mass flow rate";
  input SI.AngularVelocity omega_norm "Normalization angular velocity";
  input Medium.Density rho_min "Minimum density (relevant at p=0)";
  output SI.Pressure dp "Pressure difference";
  output SI.Torque tau_st "Steady state torque";
end partial_dp_tau;


 MediumMedium model

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