


1. Purpose of model

This function is used to convert a molar flow rate of fuel components into a molar flowrate of the elements the components consist of, adding the air that is needed for combustion at given

2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight

No physical effects considered.

3. Limits of validity

(no remarks)

4. Interfaces

(no remarks), just input and output vectors

5. Nomenclature

(no elements)

6. Governing Equations

No governing equations, this function mainly calls the function "MolarFlowRateElements" and adds the amount of air, calculated as may be seen in record "OxygenDemand".

7. Remarks for Usage

If there are components in your fuelgas which don't have a corresponding entry in the stoichiometric coefficients record, they will just be ignored, giving a faulty elements flowrate.

8. Validation

(no remarks)

9. References

(no remarks)

10. Version History

Created by Jan Braune (jan.braune@tu-harburg.de), Mar 2015

Revised by Lisa Andresen (andresen@tuhh.de), Dec 2015


function L_idealGas
  extends TransiEnt.Basics.Icons.Function;
  import TransiEnt;
  input TILMedia.GasTypes.BaseGas FuelMedium "fuel medium record used";
  input Real lambda "air ratio";
  input Modelica.Units.SI.MassFraction[:] xi_in "composition of fuel as massfraction";
  output Real L "massflowrate of air required for combustion of given fuel at given lambda";
end L_idealGas;

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