1. Purpose of model
This function gets the molar masses of the components of the given TILMedia GasType.
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
No physical effects considered.
3. Limits of validity
(no remarks)
4. Interfaces
(no remarks)
5. Nomenclature
(no elements)
6. Governing Equations
(no remarks)
7. Remarks for Usage
(no remarks)
8. Validation
Tested in check model "TransiEnt.Basics.Functions.GasProperties.Check.TestMolarMassesFunction"
9. References
(no remarks)
10. Version History
Created by Lisa Andresen (andresen@tuhh.de), Jun 2016
function getMolarMasses_idealGas import TransiEnt; extends TransiEnt.Basics.Icons.Function; input TILMedia.GasTypes.BaseGas gasType annotation( choicesAllMatching = true); input Integer nc; output Modelica.Units.SI.MolarMass[nc] M_i "Molar masses of the gas components"; end getMolarMasses_idealGas;