
Adaptive function for net calorific value calculation for real gases, input xi


1. Purpose of model

This model is used to calculate the net calorific value (NCV), also known as lower heating value (LHV) of a fuel gas mixture based on mass fractions and respective mass weighted calorific values from a record.

2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight

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3. Limits of validity

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4. Interfaces

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5. Nomenclature

(no elements)

6. Governing Equations

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7. Remarks for Usage

If there are components in the gas which don't have a corresponding entry in the NCV values record, they will just be ignored, giving a faulty calorific value. The function will throw a warning.

NCVIn was added to give the possibility to define a constant calorific value. If this value is set to 0, the NCV will be calculated by the composition of the medium.

8. Validation

Tested in check model "TransiEnt.Basics.Functions.GasProperties.Check.TestNCVCalculation"

9. References

(no remarks)

10. Version History

Created by Lisa Andresen (andresen@tuhh.de), Sep 2016


function getRealGasNCV_xi
  extends TransiEnt.Basics.Icons.Function;
  input TILMedia.VLEFluidTypes.BaseVLEFluid realGasType "Real gas type" annotation(
    choicesAllMatching = true);
  input SI.MassFraction[:] xi_in "Mass fractions";
  input SI.SpecificEnthalpy NCVIn "Set this to a specific value for a constant NCV or to zero for NCV-calculation";
  output SI.SpecificEnthalpy NCVOut "Returned NCV";
end getRealGasNCV_xi;

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