This function is used to convert a molar flow rate of fuel components into a molar flowrate of the elements the components consist of.
No physical effects considered.
(no remarks)
(no remarks), just input and output vectors
(no elements)
No governing equations, a for-loop is used to iterate through the vector of component names. The stoichiometric coefficients concerning the elementary composition of each component, served in a special record, are then multiplied by the molar flowrate of the component.
If there are components in your fuelgas which don't have a corresponding entry in the stoichiometric coefficients record, they will just be ignored, giving a faulty elements flowrate.
For validation see the partial models.
(no remarks)
Created by Jan Braune (, Mar 2015
Revised by Lisa Andresen (, Dec 2015
function molarFlowRateElements extends TransiEnt.Basics.Icons.Function; import Modelica.Utilities.Strings; parameter TransiEnt.Basics.Records.GasProperties.StoichiometricCoefficientsCombustion RCstoichiometry; parameter Integer ne = size(RCstoichiometry.stoich, 2) "number of elements to take into account(see Record stoichiometry)"; input String[:] components "shortened fuel component names"; input Real[size(components, 1)] n_dot_i "molar flowrate of fuel components"; output Real[5] n_dot "molar flowrate of elements in fuelport"; end molarFlowRateElements;