

Package containing models that are used only to provide re-usable logos


 BasesPackageIcon for packages containing base classes
 Boilergasboiler icon
 BoundariesPackageIcon for standard packages
 CheckPackageIcon for standard packages
 CheckmodelIcon for check models
 ComponentsPackageIcon for packages containing components classes
 ConsumerIcon for consumers
 ConsumerPackageIcon for consumer packages
 ControlPackageIcon for packages containing base classes
 ControllerIcon for controller
 DataPackageContains specific parameters for machines or similar kinds of data
 ElectricSinkIcon for electric sinks
 ElectricalConsumerIcon for runnable examples
 ElectricSourceIcon for runnable examples
 ElectricSubModelIcon for electric sub models
 ElectricalPackageIcon for packages containing interfaces
 Electrolyser1Icon for electrolysers
 Electrolyser2Icon for electrolysers
 ExampleIcon for runnable examples
 ExamplesPackageIcon for standard packages
 ExponentialBlockSymbol for a linear block model
 FunctionPackageIcon for function packages
 GasPackageIcon for standard packages
 GasSinkIcon for gas sinks
 GasSourceIcon for gas sources
 GridsGeneral icon for all three grids
 HeatDemandPackageIcon for heat demand package
 HeatPackageIcon for standard packages
 HeatSinkIcon for heat sinks
 HeatSourceIcon for heat sources
 HouseholdIcon Households
 IdealToRealAdapterIcon for ideal to real adapters
 IndustryPlantIcon for industry plants
 InterfacesPackageIcon for packages containing interfaces
 LargeControllerIcon for controller models
 LargeExampleIcon for runnable examples with a large number of components
 LinearBlockSymbol for a linear block model
 MachineIcon for machines
 MachineRLIcon for runnable examples
 ModelIcon for models
 PackageIcon for standard packages
 PartialModelIcon for runnable examples
 ProducerPackageIcon for producer packages
 PtGIcon for power to gas plant including electrolyser and compressor
 PtGPackageIcon for PtG package
 RandomPackageIcon for packages using statistical methods
 RealToIdealAdapterIcon for real to ideal adapters
 RealToRealAdapterIcon for real to real adapters
 RecordIcon for records
 SensorIcon representing a round measurement device
 SensorsPackageIcon for sensor packages
 StatisticsPackageIcon for statistics packages
 StoragePackageicon for storage packages
 ThermalStorageBasicIcon for thermal storage model
 ThermalStoragePackageIcon for thermal storage packages
 ThermalStorage_ElectricalIcon for thermal storage model with direct electrical Input
 ThermalStorage_SolarIcon for thermal storage model with solar Input
 TurbineIcon for runnable examples
 ValidationPackageIcon for validation packages
 ValidationmodelIcon for runnable examples
 TableDataPackageContains specific parameters for machines or similar kinds of data
 RecordModelIcon for models containing only parameters (similar to records but they can use outer models)
 FluidToRealAdapterIcon for fluid to real adapters
 ComponentsPackage2Icon for packages containing components classes
 Materialicon for models containing material data
 ADM1Icon for ADM1 model
 ADM1PackagePackage for using the icon
 RealGasJunction_L2Icon for real gas junction
 PackedBedThermalStoragePackageIcon for packed bed thermal storage packages
 PackedBedThermalStorageIcon for packed-bed thermal storage model

Generated at 2024-10-21T18:25:38Z by OpenModelicaOpenModelica 1.24.0 using GenerateDoc.mos