Tables are a way of feeding in data (time series) into the models.
There are mainly two types of tables:
These tables can have one or multiple outputs, depending on your application.
The model "DataPrivacy" is used for protecting confidential data during the library development process. It may be removed when the library is published.
Importing your own data
Data can be easily converted in the proper format needed by means of the tool "ModelicaConverter". This is an excel table with a built in macro, which formats your data into a format which Dymola can read. Besides, the converter helps you converting your data into the proper units (see section "Units convention")
Units Convention
For the models to work properly, the following conventions regarding the units must be followed:
Name | Description |
Ambient conditions (temperature, windspeed, etc.) | |
Model for data privacy | |
Parameterized version of MSL's CombiTable with 1 dimension. | |
Parameterized version of MSL's CombiTable with 2 Dimensions | |
Parameterized version of MSL's CombiTimeTable. See Examples.Basics.GenericTable_How_to for explanation |