This model is a heat flow boundary with a pump whose mass flow is ideally controlled to get a given outlet temperature. It can be chosen if the outlet set temperature is constant or given by an input.
The mass flow is calculated based on a heat flow rate and a given constant outlet temperature. There is no volume considered.
There are no pressure losses included (pressures at inlet and outlet are given from the outside).
The model calculates any mass flow that is necessary to reach the given temperature but limits the mass flow so that no flow reversal occurs.
This model is only valid for ideal controls, i.e. ideally tuned controls with no control errors.
T_out_set: set point for outlet temperature
Q_flow_set: set point heat flow rate (negative for producers)
fluidPortIn: inlet for fluid
fluidPortOut: outlet for fluid
(no elements)
(no equations)
(no validation necessary)
Model created by Carsten Bode (, Nov 2018