1. Purpose of model
Partial model of an induction machine using TransiEnt electrical interfaces.
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
depends on the used class
3. Limits of validity
(Purely technical component without physical modeling.)
4. Interfaces
Mechanical power port mpp
Complex power port epp
Modelica RealInput: frequency in Hz
5. Nomenclature
omega_rot is the angular velocity of the rotor
f_rot is the frequency of the rotor
slip is the slip of the asynchronous machine
tau_m is the mechanical torque
delta_asy is an angle
cosphi is the power factor
S is the apparent power
v_grid is the voltage of the grid
P_mech is the mechanical power
6. Governing Equations
(no equations)
7. Remarks for Usage
(no remarks)
8. Validation
(no remarks)
9. References
(no remarks)
10. Version History
Model created by Jan-Peter Heckel (jan.heckel@tuhh.de) in August 2018