

1. Purpose of model

Subransient model of a synchronous machine with two-Axis description and losses. Mechanical connection is stiff.

2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight

L4E - model with circuit description. Voltage, active and reactive power are linked together by equations.

- Mechanical connection is stiff

3. Limits of validity

magnetical behaviour simplified

4. Interfaces

epp (ComplexPowerPort)

Mechanical power port mpp

Modelica RealInput: electric potential in [V]

5. Nomenclature

(no elements)

6. Governing Equations

(no equations)

7. Remarks for Usage

Only use machines of the class together in one simulation

Model for short time characteristics 100 ms - 1 s

Set IsSlack to true for slack-bus version

8. Validation

Tested in the check model "TransiEnt.Components.Electrical.Machines.Check.CheckTwoAxisSynchronousMachineComplexSubtransient"

9. References

[1] F. Milano, “Power System Modelling and Scripting”, Springer London, 2010, p. 223

[2] J. Arrillaga, C.P. Arnold, “Computer Analysis of Power Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd Chihcester, 1990

10. Version History

Model created by Jan-Peter Heckel (jan.heckel@tuhh.de) in March 2018

Model made more modular (extension of partial class and one version for Slack and PU-Bus) in June/July 2018

Model revised (own Frequency) in October/November 2018

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