1. Purpose of model
It is a modified version of the model ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Pipes.PipeFlowVLE_L4_Simple from ClaRa version 1.3.0. The model is documented there and here only the changes are described. It extends from TransiEnt.Components.Gas.VolumesValvesFittings.Base.VolumeRealGas_L4, the very most important equations are implemented and documented there.
2. Level of detail, physical effects considered, and physical insight
(no remarks)
3. Limits of validity
(no remarks)
4. Interfaces
gasportIn: inlet for real gas
gasportOut: outet for real gas
heat: heat port
5. Nomenclature
(no remarks)
6. Governing Equations
(no remarks)
7. Remarks for Usage
When using compositions, the number of finite volume elemts (N_cv) should be chosen in a way that one element ist about 1-2 km long. Otherwise the simulation is very slow.
8. Validation
(no validation or testing necessary)
9. References
copied and changed from ClaRa.Components.VolumesValvesFittings.Pipes.PipeFlow_L4_Simple.
10. Version History
Model created by Tom Lindemann (tom.lindemann@tuhh.de) in Jun 2015
Modified by Carsten Bode (c.bode@tuhh.de) in Oct 2015
Modified by Lisa Andresen (andresen@tuhh.de) in May 2016
Revised by Carsten Bode (c.bode@tuhh.de), Apr 2018 (updated to ClaRa 1.3.0)
Modified by Carsten Bode (c.bode@tuhh.de), Sep 2019 (merged constXi and varXi models)
Modified by Carsten Bode (c.bode@tuhh.de), May 2020 (added quasi-stationary equations and simplified equations for only dependent mass fractions)
Name | Description |
Cost model |