This package was created to allow a rough consideration of the system economics directly in the TransiEnt.EE library, to avoid post-processing work. This leads to some restrictions regarding the applicability of the results calculated with the models in this package.
Important note: For the calculation of the electricy generation costs, only the results obtained with annual calculations apply. All results obtained by calculating smaller time ranges are invalid by definition.
In the models within the package "ProducerCostSpecifications", the parameters required to calculate the economic indicators are defined. These parameters are actually defined by calling the central definition in "simCenter.Cost". The parameters are:
Specific investment costs in [EUR/kWe]
Specific fixed Operation & Maintenance costin EUR/kWe
Specific variable costs in EUR / MWhe
Specific fuel cost in EUR/MWhth
Specific CO2-cost in EUR/t
Specific emissions in
The model "SimpleEconomicsModel" uses a the replaceable models defined in the "ProducerCostSpecs"-Package. The equations within this model are:
Name | Description |