This model extends the functionality of the basic MeritOrderDispatcher by taking into account a prediction for the (boolean) operating state.
This is needed because if a unit is commited it has to produce a minimum amount of power (P_min). If the prediction indicates that a unit will be started in the near future the other units production is reduced and thereby a smooth load following is possible (see TestMeritOrderDispatcherStatePrediction for an example).
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u[ntime]: RealInput
y[nout]: RealOutput
z[nout, ntime]: BooleanInput
P_R_pos[nout]: input for electric power in [W] "Upwards reserve constraint, reduces maximum production (values are supposed to be positive)"
P_R_neg[nout]: input for electric power in [W] "Downwards reserve constraint, increases minimum production (values are supposed to be positive)"
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Tested in check model "TransiEnt.Grid.Electrical.EconomicDispatch.Check.TestMeritOrderDispatcherStatePrediction"
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